Porcelain crab posing


New member
He was putting on a show in a new and VERY bleached Long tentacle anemone... hope i can save the nem... ENjoy the crab at least!


so i see a few people are looking at these, but no comments? i feel like im not getting the DoF i want with these, but am not using a flash, cuz i only have on camera.

Canon EoS Digital 6.3 and tamron 90mm macro.

I use photoshop, please advise on any hints for more better DoF
There are only 2 ways to increase DOF with a given lens:

1) Get further from your subject.

2) Use a smaller aperture.

You could increase the ISO setting to get a smaller aperture, setting, however you will increase the grain/noise
Tripod will help a lot when you use slower shutter speeds. Regardless- these are excellent shots.
i use a tripod for all tank shots, and i set it on timed shot, so im not depressing the button.

What flash wouldyou recommend for less than 600 for EOS digital for tank shots... the dual one that rotates around lens? Having a flash will allow a much greater aperature correct?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8101453#post8101453 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Xirxes23
Having a flash will allow a much greater aperature correct?

Having a flash will allow you to throw as much light on it as you want, you'll chew up batteries if you use too small an aperture.
I have the twin flash thing you're talking about and I like it a lot- but I think it costs just over $600. Another option is to get an off-shoe flash chord and hold [or get a bracket to hold] the flash off to the side.
My hat is off to you. My porcelain crabs were always under a overhang or out of direct light. I took prob 100 pics and none came out that nice. Good shots.