Porcupine puffer and ribbon eel?


New member
Hey, I have a random question. In one of my tanks I have a ribbon eel and a porcupine puffer, a long with a few others. My question is, has anyone ever had both a ribbon eel and a porcupine puffer in the same tank? If so, how did they interact? Any insight or experience is appreciated. I have done a lot of looking and cannot find many resources on the relationship. I have never seen such an odd relationship. Thanks in advance!
Hey, I have a random question. In one of my tanks I have a ribbon eel and a porcupine puffer, a long with a few others. My question is, has anyone ever had both a ribbon eel and a porcupine puffer in the same tank? If so, how did they interact? Any insight or experience is appreciated. I have done a lot of looking and cannot find many resources on the relationship. I have never seen such an odd relationship. Thanks in advance!

Can you describe what you think is odd? It's hard to know exactly what information you're looking for as your question is very broad.
Can you describe what you think is odd? It's hard to know exactly what information you're looking for as your question is very broad.

I kind of meant it that way. I was looking for others experience on the relationship between the two. It is almost as though my puffer acts as a sort of " security blanket" for the eel. The puffer seems to be indifferent but the eels obviously loves his mobile rock. Strangest thing I have ever seen. I was just wondering what others have observed in regards to the relationship between the two.