Positioning of my Ric


New member
I got a Ric earlier this spring and have tried some different spots with it and I still cant get the results I see others on here with. My ric never seems to really open up fully and expand. I have it on the sand bed on a tile in my 12 gallon nano with power compacts above it. Any advice on placement. The parameters are good and it has always been like this since I bought it. It is also in a low flow area. I tried a higher flow area and it was about the same as it is in the low flow area still not as open as other people show theirs to be.

Any ideas?
I placed mine on the bottom of me tank right by my rocks with a little coverage from the rocks above and they took a long time before the came out in full. They just seem very temperamental and don't like to be moved.
I have only tried 2 spots total. The first spot when I first put it in the tank was on the bottom and it was there for about a month and a half, it has been in the new spot ever since. So its been in its current spot for about two months now. Do I just need to be patient and wait for it. Its current spot is on the bottom under a bit of a rock overhang with low flow.
I have 2 in my tank that have been there for over a year. They actually survived a move(on the liverock). The problem is they have moved to a low light area and have almost disappeared. I can see 4 mouths on 1 and 2 on the other but other colors have disappeared. I am going to physically move them to another area. Good luck with yours
I just really want it to open up fully. I would like to get some more rics, but I feel until this one opens up I should wait as I want to know that I am doing it right. It hasn't died and it looks healthy, it just is small and does not look as open as the pics I see people post on here.
Just give it some time and make sure your parameters are all good. I had a Duncan that would not fully open for 3 months and one day it was just happy as ever
They really like lower flow; Ricordia do well on the sandbed. I glue allot of these guys down without observing them happy in the placement. it will eventually adjust unless your blasting it with light and flow. Give it at least a few days to settle in before moving it. I just wish they grew faster. I love tanks full of ric. endless color