Possible 12 ft tank ideas, input welcome


New member
Hey guys, I'm looking for some input on a possible FOWLR setup and debating on if I want to go that route or another reef. I'm in the process of finishing my basement, and will be putting in a new tank and fish room but unsure what I should keep... The tank will most likely be 144x20x20 (20" is close to max as I will need to get the glass in through a 22" basement window), a G6 ASM skimmer and a few hundred pounds of LR, 55 gallon Refugium, 65 Gallon Q tank and 75 gallon sump. Dart for return and if I go FOWLR I'm not sure I'll need much more circulation. So what are your ideas for stocking and does anyone foresee any issues that I could be overlooking??? Anything really cool that I can do with a 12' tank that shouldn't be tried with a 6' or 8' tank?
Here's the layout...

I would put angels(large), triggers, puffers, eels, and wrasses. No sharks or rays though. Width isn't big enough unless you're lucky to get a dwarf shark.
Yellow tangs schooling is an awesome sight. Just remember to keep them in odd numbers. 5 has worked the best for me. If your other fish arent too big and aggressive, anthias and green chromis look cool in a school
You need to determine if you want to have a lot of swimming space in the tank or a lot of live rock. You need to make a decision on that before you start as more live rock will cut down on space in the tank.

I would decide what the one fish that you really want and stock your tank with that in mind. Also be careful as even though the tank is big, 12' long, some of these fish, like triggers and eels, get very large and aggressive and it's very possible to have a very large tank with just a few fish because of certain fish being very aggressive and not letting you place anything else in the tank.
I think i would keep it peaceful - more options.

center piece fish - A big angel or a pair of big angels. Then stock around that. Achool of dozen anthias (i like barlettes or bicolor) Maybe a zebra eel (very passive)

you can't beat a school of yellow tangs... its so awesome. I would do 7 3-4" yellow and watch them school

achilles tang or goldrim

pair of crosshatches (maybe a trio)

then throw i some other goodies.

I suggest moving the width to atleast 2 feet. More room to play with and wont make aquascaping a PITA.
Thanks for all the ideas guys, I too think I would rather keep it peaceful, so no eels, or lions, I've always wanted an Emperor (Imperator) and Magestic Angel, so I think they will be on the list. My dad is a huge tang fan, so I'll have some to keep him entertained when he comes over (Yellow school, Powder Blue, and a Naso), I've currently got a baby female blue jaw, so I'll probably need to get her a mate when she goes in... That's 11-13 depending on the school already, probably too much huh?

My concern on going wider (believe me I want to go wider) is getting the glass into the room. As you can see on the layout, coming down the stairs and making that turn will be tough, if not impossible with a 12' sheet of glass. The only other option is the windows (in a window well) and they only open to 22"... Anyone see something I'm missing???
22" window, is that the height or width? How many inches is the window corner-to-corner? For example, my computer screen is 12.75 inches wide, 9.75 inches high. But, corner-to-corner, it's 16 inches. Is your 22 inch measurement corner-to-corner?
Definitly a school of yellow tangs. That would be absolutly awesome. As for getting more glass down into the basement what about removing(temporarily of course) that wall that is on the side of the stairs. This is what my uncle is doing to put his furniture down in the basement of his house. Atleast at his house it is nothing more that one sheet of drywall and some 2x4s right now. Not sure though if it is the same in your case but might be something to think about.
keep us updated

20 20 The window is 22" wide but I can't put the glass in any other way because of the window well. The glass will need to be slid in layed flat or it won't fit through the window well.

Godoftheseas, I've considered doing that, the question will be how much of a difference it will make. :) If I can do it, I certainly will. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7169972#post7169972 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by calvin415
20 20 The window is 22" wide but I can't put the glass in any other way because of the window well. The glass will need to be slid in layed flat or it won't fit through the window well.

Oh well, I tried.;)

Er, have you considered digging out the window well a bit? There's nothing to most of them, actually. Half hour to dig it out, half hour to put it back when done. OK, maybe an hour each way. Still, two hours of work to get an addition 2 to 4 inches width and height on that tank? Well worth it, IMO.
I'll try to modify the wall first... :) The window well is 3ft deep and even without dirt, would still be a chore to remove... If I can get a 12' sheet down the stairs, I still don't want to go over 20" tall, but how wide are you guys thinking I should go? Every inch wider will cost me an extra 15 bucks.