Possible "Leng Sy cap" frag!


New member
So I was at the LFS and asked the guy what he had today and he told me he had a frag of the Leng Sy cap that a local reefer brought in. So I checked it out and it fit all the catagories so I got it. Even if it isnt the real thing I dont really care b/c it was a steal at 20$. It has an intense purple edge and white polyps that protrude out on tiny nodules. So we'll see what it looks like when it grows out and ill post its progress. Is this coral really that rare or do quite a few people have it or is it that the original one is gone and the rest are just look alikes? Also I assume its care requirments are similar to any regular cap right.

PICS (sorry these r the best i can get with my kodak/magnify glass combo camera)

did you pick that up at river city.... if you did I bet john dropped that off and it is a leng sy, I picked up mine from him as well
Yep RCA. The Lfs guy said he was moving and had to tear done his tank. There was also a pretty sweet idaho grape frag.

So is the leng sy cap really that rare? Or am I just really lucky I live near somebody that has one? B/c it seems like if a few people had colonies that they fragged every once in a while it would be disrtibuted around more. But I dont see many posted here on RC, unless im stupid.

darkangel, do u have a pic of urs?
IME, and IMO, theyre all over the place. Theyre a cap, they grow quickly, and people tend to frag them often. I know of a couple of large colonies around me.

THe problem is, most people like to discredit anyone who claims they have anything LE-ish and they dont know the pedigree on it.
Wow! I'm amazed you could take a pic with a magnifying glass and kodak camera!! though I never had one... it does really look like the real thing!! Good hunting!! :D
I bought one from Atlantis and he's supposed to have the real deal. Yours look exactly like mine. I believe at one point the leng sy was a big thing. Now I think many people have it, since caps grow fast. Nice piece.

i think the more important thing is how long has it been in captivity, i can trace mine back 5 years in this area, thus it is very adapted to captivity. and they do grow pretty fast.
I have a good sized (not colony) green with purple rim cap that lacks the nodules that apparently the "true" Leng Sy one has, but comparing it to frags of one you usually wouldn't be able to tell the difference (mostly because frags tend to come from the outside where there's less bumps). But it's a relatively fast grower whether it's a true one or a "fake" one, so just wait a while and let it grow.
There are a lot of clones out there. Some guy sold me one that looked just like that, claiming it was a true Leng Sy Cap.

It grew into this piece on the right:


It clearly wasn't the true Leng Sy Cap, but you get what you paid for. As long as you got it at a good price, it's worth the big 'IF' :)