Possible to have a reef tank in Hawaii?


New member
All corals with calcified skeletons are strickly banned. However some softies, anems, and inverts are allowed.

I dont want to have a fish only tank. Was wondering if anyone here has experience with or knows someone who has experience with reef tanks in Hawaii.
I've heard that you need an aquarium permit of some kind. But when I Googled it everything seemed to pertain more to requiring a license to collect your own fish.
We had a local club member that moved to Hawaii and all he could keep was fish. If there is a way to keep a reef he never found it?
I've heard you are allowedl to keep zoas but that is it.

Its due to an issue with invasive species. It can really harm the ecosystem there and i am sure some bad seeds in the past have ruined it for everyone else. Like most fun things.
If only there were another way to enjoy the ocean's reefs in Hawaii...

That is a shame though. Would be nice to get a collection license and grab a few frags from the ocean and use NSW for water changes.
If only there were another way to enjoy the ocean's reefs in Hawaii...

That is a shame though. Would be nice to get a collection license and grab a few frags from the ocean and use NSW for water changes.

I use NSW from a place in St Augustine called The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience.
I've heard that you need an aquarium permit of some kind. But when I Googled it everything seemed to pertain more to requiring a license to collect your own fish.

Yes, you can submit for a DLNR recreational aquarium collector permit...it is free, Softies only, not allowed to collect any rock or SPS. However to be honest there is no "active patrolling" that I have ever seen or heard of. I had a tank for three year and all my live rock came from the rubble I never spent a dime at any store( and there aren't many to start with) while I was stationed there, and I loved scavenging out at Track Beach/ Electric Beach. And there is a sand filter supply line over by the Coast Guard base....save yourself some money on salts by get free filtered water...

Use good judgement:fish1: