Powder Blue missing, ich


Premium Member
Well, I am sad to report that the Powder blue has gone missing, we are now on day 3. In addition, at the same time, I noticed that my 2 wrasse had some spots of ICH on them. The clown and the blenny did not. I started feeding fresh garlic and garlic soaked food right away and 3 days later the wrasse seem to be fine. I also bought some skunk cleaner shrimp to help. Right now I do not plan on tearing down the tank to get the fish out, but if the ich comes back I will.
did you test ammonia/nitrate? That'll tell you (most likely) if it's a goner or not.

Sorry to hear that he's been missing. I wish you and he the best of luck.
Hmmmm... where have I heard this before...? It sounds so familiar....

Oh yeah,

THAT's the reason I had to go buy a 55g stand to setup an emergency hospital tank and spend all night removing 400+lbs of rock/corals and capturing all my fish a couple of days ago.

My downfall was also a Powder Blue Tang... which according to Pat over at Amazing Reef Life is one of the species of fish that Julian Sprung wishes was never taken from the ocean.
My tang was nice and healthy, eating well, and not shy at all in quarantine.
A truly beautiful fish.
Within a week of introduction into the big community tank he became covered from stem to stern with the heaviest Ich infestation I've ever seen.

Tried treating the tank with all the herbal and organic remedies to no avail.
A couple of days later he went carpet surfing and the wife was a couple of minutes too late to save him.

Next day I start to notice some Ich on a wrasse, fungus on a clown's tail, popeye on another clown, and cloudy eyes on a Bullet goby.
One sick fish and now I have a pandemic (tankdemic? aquademic?) on my hands.

Now everybody is in a little 55 getting the maracyn treatment before hyposalinity, and this time I'm actually going thru with the full Jeff and Christy 2 month fallow recommendation.
I only have myself to blame.
That tank had an outbreak of Ich over a year ago, and I just treated it with Ich Attack and garlic.
The Ich "went away" and everybody looked happy and healthy for the next year until Mr. Blue came along to get the party started.
I think I've learned my lesson.
If I had done this the right way (fallow) the first time, then I would probably still have a nice happy tank and all my fish right now.

Good luck, Husky.
John, Sorry to hear about your similar issue. This guy was eating the day before he went missing, sort of like yours. I am still in the air about letting the tank go fish-less, but your comments make me think that I should do this.

I am definitely done with the PBT's.
I'm not ready to say I'm done with PBTs... they are just too beautiful, and I loved the personality mine had.

I can say that I am definitely NEVER going to add one to a tank that I'm not 110% certain is "clean" beforehand.
It was irresponsible and stupid of me to place one in a tank that I knew was never properly treated after having Ich no matter how long ago.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that your little guy is still surviving hunkered down in your rockwork somewhere.
Even if you don't follow the recommended advice, I hope that you can find him and get him out for treatment before it's too late.
ay, for this reason mostely is why i dont think i will ever own one or most tangs for that matter. i love em but i know i couldnt keep one healthy. even if i had a 200+gal system, with perfect water. i would still be edgy. very pretty but i would feel bad if i killed one.