Power Head placement

THe issue really isn't where, how much flow, is it primarily very laminar. The goal is to move as much water as possible without blasting any direct flow at any of the tissue. If the flow doesn't slough off the tissue, you may get algae growth over the point of impact.

Have you ever checked out any of the Maxi jet modifications? Great way to increase your flow in a cheap way. Check out reef chili's web site for more information or Melevsreef.com for an alternative and simpler modification.
I have a stream in my back left corner and one on the middle right side with a wavebox in the back right corner. I had the streams in the back right corner before the addition of the box and flow was nice, but some corals were growing in one direction. When I had 5 MJ 1200s I had them all aligned on the back.

Position of the powerheads really depends on the how the tank is setup. What works for one may not work for another.