power of pumps


New member
i put my hand infront of a seiom620 and felt almost no current comming out but the corals loved it.
how does the current come off the 6060? can corals be infront of 1600gph with polyps not being blown off?
what about the 6080 with 2200gph. can sps polyps handel that much flow? how close can sps be without tissue being blown off?
at the lfs they had a ts24 and the current was unreal but the clicking of the pumps on and off was a bit loud.
i like the random current of the tunzee on controler but not the noise.
The flow of the Seio is a hollow ring, the Stream is a solid cylinder with flow in the center as well. The 6060 creates a 24" diameter by 4ft flow pattern. As for how much the corals can take, that varies with species and acclimation but if the currents in reefs can bash a man against the rocks and kill him, I think the 6060 is not anywhere near that much flow, certainly though it could damage low flow specimens.

The noise is more pronounced when the pumps are new, their is a slight clicking noise when they are turned on but some recent drive unit modifications have reduced that some.