Power Strip Scare


Premium Member
When I came into my computer room this AM, I smelled a distinct "hot electrical smell" and the room was a little hazy. I tried not to panic and quickly ascertaned it was not my prop tank. I keep the power strips to my 35 in a small plastic cooler sitting slightly to the back and side of the stand. I do this to keep them from sitting on the floor and for easier access than mounting on the back of the stand or on the wall. It keeps them from getting wet, should the tank overflow. I keep the top closed on it, however it is about 1/4 open due to the cords. I opened the lid and discovered my problem. One of the power strips had 2 outlets that were charred. The other ones had soot on them. I quickly turned everything off. I plugged everything into a different outlet, and everything seemed to work okay. The outlet the power strips were plugged into showed no sign of being hot, no soot, etc. I went ahead and plugged the basics into another outlet using the piggy tail ext cord like I used at the frag swap. There was a little water in the bottom of the cooler, maybe 1/10 cup. I have no idea how it got there. There are drip loops on everything. Could there have been condensation that developed in the cooler from all the electrical being in there and the lid partially closed?? It was a close call and scared me out of my wits. Nick told me I needed to get a power strip like DJ's use. He said Barrett had one like it. Anyone know where I can get one of those or have any suggestions?? My husband, who has an intense dislike of all my tanks, took it better than I expected. However, he has just walked in the door downstairs and has not been up here yet. Wish me well!! If you see me in the obits, he did it!!! LOL.