Power supplies keep dying


Premium Member

What is the life expectancy of one of these? I have 2 6055s, 2 6045 and a 6095. Are the power supplies on these all the same? The 6055s are from when they first came out, the 6045s are about 5 years old and the 6095 is about a year old. I'm getting about 2 years use out of the bricks before they die. They don't get wet and I have ventilation under my tank. At $50 a pop it's getting expensive to replace 1-2 of these per year.

I'm wondering if I'm not paying attention to which I'm using which is causing the early fails. Is it the select-able voltage?

Any guidance on getting more life out of these?
The 6045 is AC and has no power supply.

The 6055 and 6095 uses the same power supply, 6055.240. The power supplies should last 3-4 years in general. The following would be probable causes of a shortened life span.

High Temperature, the usual cause being grouping all power supplies and ballasts in the same area, the heat from other devices impacts the power supply and if they are stacked, the heat is transferred to the power supplies and cannot escape. The longest life will be when they are kept below 80F.

High Humidity, above 70% humidity the life span will be shortened.

Failure to maintain the pumps, the 6055 uses 18W, the 6095 uses 21W, the power supply can only deliver 30W. If the pumps are not maintained and calcium build up locks the drive units even partially, the wattage creeps up and as you near or pass the 30W limit the power supply can overheat and fail, it also has a fuse inside which is not replaceable, but may blow if the limit is exceeded. Every 3-6 months the pumps need to be stripped down and cleaned to remove any lime inside the pump. Mileage will vary with KH and Calcium levels as well as any additives dosed near the pump. If your run NSW levels of near 380-400ppm Calcium and 8-10 KH, the 6 month mark should be no problem, higher and that declines to 3-4 months.
My power supplies are all attached to a board via velcro about 6-8" apart from each other. They always seem hot.

Humidity is 50-55% via dehumidifier.

Clean them every 3-4 months and my calc is 380.

Would using a DJ power strip do anything? I'm really not getting anywhere near 3 years out of mine.
If the power strip cycles them off and on or in someway modifies the input voltage it could. It sounds like you are doing everything else correctly. When you clean them do you remove the propeller assembly prior to soaking? This is important or else the vinegar won't get to the tight spaces inside. How long to they tend to last?