powerhead flow


New member
just curious..
I have a 265 g mixed reef with a fair bioload.
For those with comparably sized tanks:
how much flow do you have in your tank provided by powerhead/wavemakers alone?

I have one vortech on one end am adding another to the other end. I'm wondering if it would be sufficient to use the 3 koralia 4's I have across the back (I have a spraybar as well). I'm a bit afraid of a vortech in the back for a few reasons
1. - my BTA would hate that much flow
2. - actually getting them set-up back there
3. - with my aquascaping it seems the flow would just hit the wall of rocks then disipate
4. do I need the flow? the 2 vortechs + 3 koralia's would supply 9600 gph - not counting the return or spraybar
I didn't mean that they didn't like flow..... just that I think 3000 gph would be too much for mine because once I moved a koralia 4 (@1200 gph) near it and it didn't open as much for like 2 months then when I rearranged the koralia away a bit the BTA started opening wide again