That isn't a question I am really comfortable with as I like people to make up there own minds and I don't like to attack our competitors. I don't really see myself as a salesman and that is never something I have been good at.
I would say this, our 6105 uses 28W, a big advantage of not transferring power through the glass is you don't lose power through the glass. Older listings may say 45W, this was for the older models the 6105 replaced and you may also see 42W which is what the 6105 used originally but further tweaking has brought it down.
I think we have the quietest pump, the new silence holder makes them very quiet.
Our pump can be moved in all directions and aimed at specific points.
We offer a more versatile battery back up kit- 6105.500, this even allows use of a solar panel or disposable batteries.