Powerhead selection help on 300 gallon

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I am planning on a mostly SPS reef and needed recommendations on powerheads.
Tanks is 96 x 30 x25 with overflows at each end. I might do a wave box in the future.
Looking at getting 4-6105s and a 7096 or should I get 2-6105s and 2-6205s along with 7096? Would another combination be better?
Steve, i would do 2 x 6105 and 2 x 6205 and 7096 that will get you a very good flow till your corals become mature you may need more flow.

I would highly recommend 4 x 6205 and 7096. If the flow is too strong for you at first which i highly doubt. You can always turn down the power a bit but with the 6105 you can only crank up so much....
So I will go with the 4 x 6205 and 7096.
Then next add a wavemaker? Anyone think I should plan on adding the wavemaker sooner than later?
With 4 tunze 6205 you will have plenty of flow. Wavebox is a great addition, you can add it later down the road.
Personally I would use 4 6105 and a wavebox and if you get the 7096, you can just buy a wavebox extension since you won't need the controller, but you will need a branch adapter to connect everything. The waveflow of the wavebox will reduce the need for directional flow.