powerheads at feeting time ??? what do you do ?


New member
i have just been feeding my fish with all of the seio's on . the food gets wipped around but the fish seem to get their share. should i be turning off the powerheads at feeding time ? i was just curious , what do you do at feeding time .. ?? thanks
you can, when i was running a red sea wavemaster pro on my old tank it had a feeding button and you pushed it and i think all the pumps shut off for about 30 minutes.

it isn't really necessary though unless the fish are really struggling to get to the food. my 180 has very heavy flow due to the closed loop but i dont shut anything off at feeding and the fish are still able to get plenty of food and stay nice and plump.
you can shut them off, but as said above, its not needed.
....if anything, shut your return pump off, so that none of the food goes into the sump
As stated above, I shut off my return pump so the food doesn't go directally into the skimmer, but I leave the powerheads on. My fish have to work for their food with over 75X intank turnover :D .
