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Ive had these for almost 2 months, were growing and looking just fine. Last 2 days, they have been closed up without any signs of anything around them or picking at them. This is the closest pictures I could get with my camera, do those little white specks look like pox? Thanks.


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I see white "stuff" in the middle of the polyp which i think is just detritus or something. pox will actually have white blister like spots on it.
Thanks for the info, I tend to agree with you. Its in a pretty high flow area on a wavemaker (same as it has been since I got it pretty much). They were doing great, even a few new polyps, till the last 3 days. I have been increasing lighting lately (slowly but surely), and my semi-new ATS has been decreasing my Nitrates from around 15 to 5 in the last 2 weeks or so, so maybe its reacting to the new conditions? Just a little hesitant to just sit back and do nothing though as it's progressively getting worse...
yea they might be still adjusting to the conditions. If the polyps stay plump like that though i wouldn't worry too much.
Good to know they look plump, even though those pictures are from early yesterday and dont look as good today. The detritus and junk is from my female maroon clown, she is over 10 years old now (and huge) and even though I went barebottom a while back, she still loves to go around and kick everything up every few minutes. Maybe she showered them extra good recently :) Just took a baster to them and will see if they start looking better. Thanks again!
If they aren't acting normal, and you think it's pox... Go with the furan 2 treatment buddy. It has done wonders for me and continues to do wonders. You can find the treatment here. http://www.zoaid.com/articles004.php

People treat in many different ways. Some treat with a weak dose for long time, some treat with a strong does for a short time, some people with zoanthid only tanks will treat the whole tank. I myself do a somewhat strong dose, for a long time. I've never had a bad result by using 1/2 a furan2 packet in a gallon of water. I just mix the tank water and the furan2, place the infected colonies/frags into the bucket with an aerator and set it outside to keep a warm temp. Furan2 works best in warmer temps. If you don't place it outside, the small amount of water your using will become quite cool with your house temp, at a very fast rate. good luck man and share the results of whatever it is you do! ;)

Scott, I might just do that if I dont see improvement by tomorrow, at least cut the frag disk out so I can take a closer look with it out of the tank. You mention doing a long dose, how long do you let it sit in there? And how hot is "hot"? Im in Arizona, outside can be really ****ing hot!!! :) And do you use tank water for the treament or fresh salt water? The articles I believe mentions using new but seems more reasonable to use tank water, especially if its gonna be in there for a while. Then do you repeat again for the next 2 days? I appreciate the help.
Sorry for my terrible clarification. I put mine outside, in the shade, for about an hour. With tank water, aerator, and the bucket temp reaches the 83-84 range. Then temp acclimate them to your tank, then rinse them off with tank water.

Your going to be amazed a week after that treatment.. As long as you do this treatment like this. Use your tank water, Watching temp, move the furan2 water with the aerator, acclimate them back to your tank temp (float them in a bag or Tupperware bowl) and then rinse with the tank water.

These fruitloops in my avatar almost dissolved in the hands of the previous owner. Not his fault though, Japanese deep-waters have issues quite easily from temp changes, other parameter changes, bumping the container walls during shipping, etc. Once the fungus dissolving starts there was usually no return for any of my zoanthids in the past, until I used furan2. As I was buying them he told me the mother colony was rotting away.. I called him and told him how to save them and here they are in my tank and my avatar.
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They are beautiful for sure!! I had some cool ones years ago, but nothing like that! :) You provided the exact information I needed, only didnt menttion if you repeat the procedure for the next 2 days? Thanks.

I've never needed to repeat, but I don't see how it would cause an ill effect if you treat them carefully each time as in, without temp shocks, etc.