ppe not opening


New member
Hey guys i just recently got a single polyp of PPE and its gonna be a week today and it has yet to opened, it doesnt look bad just not opening, whats longest u guys have had before it opened or do i figure its prob not going to. I got several other frags with it and there all doin fine.
I have had polyps stay closed for a week or so before...as long as it is firm and the coloration is ok, I wouldn't worry.

If you see a white or brown film developing around it, then you may want to put it in an Iodine dip.
I have RPE's and PPE's...the red one (sngl polyp), stayed closed for almost a month and then has stayed open since then (a few weeks). Now I've heard when they stay closed for a period of time they could be sprouting babies but I have no experience seeing that to date. My red is too close and surrounded by the PPE's to tell if there are babies.
Just watch for "melting" or "shrinking" might be budding check for new growth or "nubs" around the mat or sides of polyp..
mine did the same thing it took over a week and this is how it looks.:strooper:


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I have over 70 different varieties of zoanthids & paly's and i have the most trouble with the PE's. I have at least 8 different varieties of PE's. Most do fine, but the other half will close on me for days or turn inside out for days, even weeks. But i have not lost a polyp yet. In my experience PE's do some weird things. Good luck to ya
I have 6 PPE polyps. They all closed up on me about 3-4wks ago. Now 2 are opening up full time and the others are hit and miss. I'm hoping all the others do the same.