ppe's $30 per polyp


In Memoriam
List of people who have contacted me.

wfm8p 3 polyp
teeka 2 polyp
anative 2 polyp
coolwheels interested
lytehouse 25 polyp
zaozao 3 polyp
hbtank 2-3 polyp
carman5579 intersted
monkeyfish 2 polyp
eharper2 2 polyp
kingnai 2 polyp

Prices will be $30 per polyp + shipping. I will ship any way you want. shipping should take place next week!!! The safest way I feel to ship would be through this store that's going to help me out. They're charging me $45 a package, so thats the deal. If you would like them shipped another way, please send me a pm with how you would like it shipped and try and teach me how to ship with your method. If it costs less for me to ship "your" way then I will not charge the 45 to ship, but again I feel much safer with their help. I will only gaurantee the polyps through shipping with them. I will do whatever I can to make sure "your" shipping methods are carried out to their fullest.

also, please re-pm me everything. my mailbox accidently got deleted. but I wrote down all this info beforehand.
I need # of polyps, shipping info, and how you want shipped. also if there's any other info you think I might need, include it.


***for fmas. It will be free pickup. no shipping charges if you pick up.***
Hey Keith,

good luck with the sales. Polyps are pretty easy to ship. The few I ordered a while back were sent to me 2nd day and they survived fine with no problems.


PS. how is the clutch thing going? AWD trannys suck.... when you have to pull them to change the clutch. Too much things to remove LOL....tranfser case, drive shaft, etc... Good luck though.
bad pic...but it kinda shows the colors. and yes theres more.
heres a pic that clockwurk just took of the frag he got from me.

Thank you sooooooooo much! I wish i could take pics like that!!!

I wish I could lay claim to those skills. but it was dex (clockwurk) who took that for me! I think that will help them sell! I just looked up at my picture, and then his picture...LOL what a difference!!!
theres about 30 left.
they don't grow incredibly fast, but they are pretty rare. I'm not getting pm's about how these things are on clearance price. People are saying they usually go for $50 a polyp. sometimes only $40. but $30's a steal. I dunno I really need the money!
how much longer will you be selling them? I just had a bunch of zoas die off and don't really know why so I'm hesitating to buy...I just added some zoas from another tank and I'm going to see what happens