

In Memoriam
don't know if anyone's interested, but I've got some ppe's for sale. I need money to pay off the credit bills in 2 weeks for my car breaking down.

aka ppe's for sale. $30 per polyp. many people in the are have them from me and I'm sure they can vouch that they're the real deal. If you're interested, send me a pm.
I actually don't have a picture of them. We'll I do, but they look brown and they're deff not brown. (no photography skills). I'm sure someone on here that got the zoos from me could/will post a pic.
250 watt hallide de don't know the color of the bulb though...thay're growing decently fast for me...colors are amazing, I just can't seem to catch them with a camera.
all the frags i made of 1 polyp a little over a month ago now all have atleast 3 polyps per frag. i know i had 1 polyp go to 6 in about 3 months. but i've also had this blue acro I got about 5 weeks ago already grow a 1" stalk out the top. so I've got pretty good growth in my tank. I just hope it stays this way!
Here is a few I got from Keith,


They are the real deal at a great price

id love to take a frag but im gonna try and hold off spending more money on my college budget lol, any chance i can put one on layaway lol?
Yea they're the real deal. I've got a few from him as well. They're really beautiful.

Jeff, I wish I woulda known that you wanted some, as I would have showed you the ones that I got from Keith so you'd know what they look like (maybe I did? I forgot).

Anyway, real deal, awesome zoos to have. The colors really pop :)
I'm in for one frag to help out a fellow reefer. I was holding off on buying anything until after the Frag swap on Feb 10th. But I Like the PPE's and they are on my list to buy at the Frag swap. PM me on how to contact and we can set it up
Thanks, Hunkafish
Yeah, they're the real deal, I have a few, they look beautiful!! Hey keith, copy some of the pics so that you can post them when you are trying to sell them!!





A little progression of the one polyp I bought. It does look even better now I just haven't gotten a newer pic. I am about to have another 1-2 polyps pop out on the right side.

Hi Keith very nice meeting you last night, the PPE's are in the tank an open, looking good, very healthy . I put them on a big rock for them to propagate on. I'll try for some pic's this week end I'm learning how to use my new camera a Nikon D-70, I may get a macro lens for it, once I get the hang of it, I'll post some pic's but only if they do them justice.
thanks guys...also if people don't want to pay...I'm interested in trading for sps frags. I'm getting rid of the softies soon.
i will be as soon as i gather all the shipping supply's. right now i only have boxes. lol. low on cash and can't order the other stuff...even though i should just put it on the credit card and make the money to pay it off. soon i will! just watch around!