PRELUDE to a build thread - 300G 9.5' x 4' x 15" acrylic reef tank


New member
Hi all,

First thing's first- have patience! I started this process long before I would have actually done so had it not been for a steal of a deal on a big tank, so the tank actually getting wet is a long ways off. That, however, doesn't mean there can't be a vigorous discussion on best practices / setup theory, planning, window shopping and the like... I know that's what I am doing in my head already, so I figured I'd start a venue to share ideas. No doubt someone could buy or DIY a tank of similar size, do a build thread and have it salty before mine. This is gonna be a slow process, hence it NOT being titled a build thread. I will do a build thread once things ACTUALLY get physically moving though, for a while (unfortunately), it's all theory.



I purchased this tank just a few weeks ago, the exterior dimensions are: 115.25"x47.5"x15" and it is made of 3/4" acrylic. It came used from a LFS so scratches came free!



The footprint of this tank is over 38 sq. ft. but it's only about an inch taller than your basic 10 gallon so it's an odd-ball tank for sure. I plan on doing a reef tank complete with LF & sand and am leaning towards more of a shallow lagoon reef biotope, but will probably incorporate different regions versions of lagoon occupants and bend the term "lagoon" a little as well. I want lots of smaller fish which will make the tank look even bigger than it is (big fish in a big tank make it look smaller to me) with a few larger accent/show fish (suggestions welcome, but thinking in the tang direction). I have been doing the pie-in-the-sky dreaming and designing for a larger shallow tank similar to this since seeing my first one years ago at a LFS before graduating from FW (ponds, tanks, indoor aquaponics pondtanks [almost my architectural thesis topic], etc) into SW. I will be building a house (but I haven't purchased a lot yet) and I'd like to use this tank as a room divider on an open floor plan between the kitchen, living and dining rooms- likely build it into an island or peninsula and have counter top around and over portions of it with a fish room for all the utilities of a tank this large. With a professional background in design and a long standing love of building/DIY, it is paramount to me that this look like a part of the house rather than residing as a free standing object within it (aiming to be a shining member of the large, shallow and modern tank club threads at RC).

Because of the shallowness of this tank, and my demand to incorporate sand (probably 1-1.5") this creates some issues many other tanks don't have to deal with.


Because my water column is short and the footprint is big, circulation & lighting (IMHO) will be a much different animal than normal. I don't need punch, I need coverage. This tank will require finesse but, I think, will also have some different opportunities than a conventionally dimensioned tank. In that light, I have begun conceptualizing layout of this tank in zones, thinking of the ~10' x 4' tank in terms of 8x 40g breeders. I will plan out the systems of the tank with these 8 zones in mind. Your opinions, experience and reminders of reality along the way ARE MUCH APPRECIATED. :dance:
Stay tuned...:fun4:


I plan to set the water level of the sump (some sort of wall length trough, either DIY plywood resin/fiberglass or maybe a long rubbermaid variety) in the fish room at the same water level as the DT and using the idea of 8 zones, (think a 40g breeder each- a little shorter and wider, but nearly the same in gallons) I am thinking of distributing out the circulation so there is a drilled feed line from the bottom for each zone, using a similar bottom return line as dca22anderson did here:
on his build thread:

and spacing them out across the 8 zones of the tank in this fashion:



#1, 7, 3, 9, 4, 10, 6 & 12 are all these bottom fed return/closed loop inputs, each with their own dedicated ~700-1000gph pump, or paired (#1 & 4, #3 & 6, #7 & 10, #9 & 12) with a ~1500pgh pump.

The top will have 4 additional input lines #13, 15, 16 & 20, either closed loop or sump return, in a fashion similar to Nineball's tank top returns:

shown on his build thread at:

Which means either a total of 12, or maybe just 6 pumps to do the circulation of the tank. I kind of like the idea of the variable speed DC6000's, and could split 1 pump for 2 of the input lines.

As for exit lines to the sump or a closed loop...

Utilizing the same idea of bottom fed exit lines as dca22anderson did here:

again at:

using numbers #2, 5, 8 & 11. Remember the DT & sump would be at the same water level, so this thing won't siphon or drain out if there is a power outage.

That covers bottom to-sump lines. As for surface skimming, #18, I'm going even more unconventional and thinking of increasing the top lip of the tank to 16" or so inches wide, adding a second 2" tall 'side' on the top, flush on the inside of the lip, kind of like this:



but with skimming teeth THEN adding another 4" wall a few inches outside of that interior skimming wall which creates a 4 sided collection spillway channel that will pick up surface skimmed water and deliver it through bulkheads #19 attached to the 4" tall exterior channel wall on opposite sides of the 4 sided channel. This means that the 16" lip will have water up to and past it, making for clear, top down viewing. It also means that I could hide the skimming section in a canopy/counter top. Think Fluval Edge but 50 times more volume.



This will disperse flow across the 38 sq ft. bottom adding LOTS of "controlability" and redundency (I've liked Ching's idea of many smaller pumps over 1 monster one). I'd like to run the whole system off an Apex and be able to create tide-esque water movement variations. Not all 12 of the input lines would likely be on at once (so I won't have either all 6 ~1500 gph or all 12 ~1000 gph pumps running together), but a combination of them to laminar the flow down the long side in either direction, roll the water column in either direction, swirl the tank horizontally in either direction, or just a crazy pulsing cacophony with everything on at once! I may or may not skip powerheads all together (#14 & 17) as I think they will be unnecessary.

Ok, that's my idea on circulation!
(next entry will be on lighting)
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After polling the RC crowd I am really liking the idea of reducing the number of pumps from 12 (one for each inlet) and doubling up at least all the bottom feed lines, (4 pumps feeding the 8 bottom lines, plus either 2 or 4 more pumps feeding the top 4 lines) so 6-8 pumps that are a bit better in gph, efficiency and utility. Also per many suggestions, and then some digging of my own, I now am in love with the soon-to-come-out improved wave line DC series, specifically the DC6000- good flow rate at ~1500gph, the suggested wattage is efficient (50w) and best of all it's variable speed controllable through an apex. If I got 6-8 of these and call it a day, that sounds like a similar price range to doing 2 high gph external sump pumps and 2 MP40's or MP60's. so I'm pretty well sold on that idea. This weekend I will document my ideas on lighting this ridiculous footprint of a tank and post. Thanks for reading!
Don't give up on me everyone! Life sometimes gives you unexpected opportunities and case in point I am going house hunting and not vacant lot hunting long before I expected I would (first showings are today and not a year or two out). Stay tuned for a build thread. It's not as far off as I originally thought!
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HAVE a contract on a house- won't do the exact setup I had described in this thread JUST YET (next house- this one is a flip).... BUT I will be setting this 305 up as a sump in the basement and the 100 in the living room (just not enough space to flip flop tank locations) so there will be some kind of build thread coming! 57 days until closing!!!! WOOHOO
Great sized tank! Love the dimensions! Looks like you have a great plan for your build! Can't wait to see how your tank comes together! :rollface: