Premium Aquatics Annual Garage / Clearance Sale

Jeremy B.

Active member
Premium Aquatics will be hosting our annual clearance / garage sale on Saturday, October 14th, from 11am - 3pm. We have a lot of clearanced/returned goods, as well as used goods that are taking up too much room in our facility! All products will be set out by 11am on Saturday morning in front of our warehouse for shopping. We will also be offering in store special pricing for drygoods and livestock!
ok ok ok......

skimmers, reactors, lighting, additives, sumps, pumps, etc etc etc.. if you've attended before you know that there is a large array of different items at dirt cheap prices. Plus we keep getting more and more stuff every year! :)
I told my wife I felt like I was shoplifting because the deals were so good! It was well worth the 3 hour drive from central IL. I'll definitely be back next year!!!

Unfortunately this will not be available online. The prices that we clearance this stuff out at just isn't worth the extra time to put it online. I think we only had one small table of products left at the end as well.

Thanks to everyone who attended!
Just wanted to drop a line and say Thanks for the killer deal on the CL-650. Pacific Coast Replaced the system board, no questions asked, and also threw in a full set of connectors!! Chiller is doing great.

Thanks Again
