Preview software 4.00

Matthias Gross

.Registered Member
Software ProfiLuxControl 4.00 and firmware 4.00 for ProfiLux is coming soon.

I know that a lot of people are waiting for the new features - for this reason I post here some screenshots of the new ProfiLuxControl.

The complete userinterface has been reworked, many features had been added.

I hope we can finish the last tests this week; maybe we will have the downloads ready end of this week.



Thats great info Matthias. I look forward to getting this uploaded.

Two great announcements in one day! Oh my head!

I will update the profiLux "whats it all about" thread with working screen shots as soon as it is released to me.
Sorry Manuel is busy in "fawty towers" and was'nt he from Barrrcelonnna?!

Oh manual sorry!

Ok English joke sorry just could not resist


I think Matthias has this on his to do list for you.
What about the translation of the firmaware? will be very nice to read profilux screen in spanish. If you need any help... here we are ;)