prices for rare things.. who the heck?


In Memoriam
anyways i understand the whole " rare " thing
but what makes an ugly zoo that is rare so much more expensive then my one of a kind ricordias or somthing?

who makes up these prices... i just saw 650 bucks for two polyps of the uglies zoo's
who cares about pricing if you are in the hobby because you like it??? I just don't get it... all these nonsense threads about some $650 zoos. IMO I think they are nice... where can you find some bright orange zoos like that?

Ricordias are not so rare to me, they are very pretty in fact. But I like Yumas a lot too... way more then rics. Why? Because over here in FL we get nothing but ricordia fls and never enough ricordia yumas.
yeah but still. where do these prices start.
like. how do they come up with them

when i recently set the price of some frags at 15 for some rics ( sold ot lfs) i felt like i was pulling a number out of the air..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8134125#post8134125 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FunGuy
Rare Yumas hit nutty prices too... They still haven't all gone down yet.

Reason for that is because of importing them that costs so much.
When supply = demand, that is when they will come in price.

but when demand is way higher than the supply you get silly prices
I've paid alot for a few corals. Probably too much, I don't know if I could even sell it and break even. But I looked at it like, I've never seen that color morph before. When will I ever see it again. And will that person be willing to sell it? So I bought it. Do I regret it?

No I don't.
If i was to have a bloodred yuma would you pay a hundred bucks for it..i did at a lfs..because ill cut then make my money
back..or ill hace two sweet yumas in my tank...
