Pricing for SPS frags


New member
There is a local guy selling off some SPS frags. Prices seem kind of high, but what do yall think. Heres some examples.

Purple Monster 3/4 inch. 100.00
Superman danae 1 inch 100.00
Oregon Tort 1 inch. 80.00
Orange and green milli 5-6 inches. 75.00
Blood red chalice 1 inch 60.00
Blue lokani 1 inch several branches 75.00
Tyree LE bali tricolor. 1 inch 60.00
Paletta pink tip table 1.5 inch. 40.00
Paletta Blue. 2.5 inches (browned out) 25.00
Atlantis blue aclues 1.5 inch multi branch 65.00
Atlantis intense pink milli 1.5 inch 35.00

Oh, how can you tell if some of the are the real thing?
Prices seem in line with the going rates. Almost a bit cheap on the PM.

How can you tell? Ha! Let everyone know if you figure it out! :lol:
They are not THAT bad IMO..

How can you tell if they are the real deal?..Buy from known sources..some people will have pictures from the mother colonies..
They are the going price for the more exotic sps. It all depends on if you are wanting to pay it.
You can always ask if he'll cut you a deal if you buy a few of them.
Purple Monster 3/4 inch. 100.00 <--cheaper then normal if it is real
Superman danae 1 inch 100.00 <--- about right on.
Oregon Tort 1 inch. 80.00 <--- bit high imo when it is cheaper from the source
Orange and green milli 5-6 inches. 75.00 <----Good price for 6 inches imo
Blood red chalice 1 inch 60.00 <----not sure. not big on chalice
Blue lokani 1 inch several branches 75.00 <----if each branch is an inch, good deal.
Tyree LE bali tricolor. 1 inch 60.00 <---check tyrees website. Most of his sell for a bit cheaper then what he does unless it is in high demand.
Paletta pink tip table 1.5 inch. 40.00 <---unsure
Paletta Blue. 2.5 inches (browned out) 25.00 <--- good price if it is really the right one.
Atlantis blue aclues 1.5 inch multi branch 65.00 <--compare to atlantis. IMO atlantis is a bit overpriced so it might be similiar
Atlantis intense pink milli 1.5 inch 35.00 <--- ditto above.

If it is a fellow reefer in your area, they might make a deal if you buy several. Most of us give generous frags for great prices. Problem is you might never see these corals local again and have to pay 60 dollars to get em shipped plus the chance of dying.
the mike paletta pink and blue are really nice and pretty decent price. i'd be wary about the superman danae cause alot of different ones are coming in now. everything else seems decent. i got a nice big frag of the mike paletta blue for 40 and i thought that was super cheap. 25 is great!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7057069#post7057069 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jay24k

Superman danae 1 inch 100.00 <--- about right on.
Wow I guess I got one heck of a deal on the one I just picked up ($30). And to think that I almost passed on it.
The Tyree LE bali tricolor has turned out to be my favorite coral. Really rich purple with green polyps. It might be a tad high (I think I paid $50 on RC)... but then again, I had to pay $50 in shipping for 5 - so that makes it about the same.
Shipping is a point that I am considering. If these prices are a tad high compared to on line, I still need to consider shipping cost of that one line purchase.

The other down side after researching these corals is my lighting may not be up to snuff in trying to keep them and their color. Currently running a 175watt 10K. I'm at least thinking about upgrading to IC ballast.

I know where Claxton, GA is, that is where those fruit cakes are from!!!:D

So go 250. I thought about that as my 175 and 2x55PC would be about the same waitage. What bulb then?

IMO they are very high. The guys from my local reef website sell much cheaper than this.

Becareful with the superman danae. Lots of guys buy wild colonies cheap, partially color them up, and sell frags that will usually recede in your system. For $100 make sure its the real deal.

It's funny how they always lose color from "shipping stress" :D
The 10k 175 could be fine, depending on where you place the corals. If it's a small tank and they are not too deep (and the halide is fairly close to the surface - under 12") it should be enough light. If not, you might need the 250.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7065221#post7065221 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by plaz
The 10k 175 could be fine, depending on where you place the corals. If it's a small tank and they are not too deep (and the halide is fairly close to the surface - under 12") it should be enough light. If not, you might need the 250.

I agree. You might look into the new Iwasaki 175w bulbs
I don't even get half that for my oregon tort and my orange and green mille. I guess a frag is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. My advice, if your interested, is to get a package deal, he will make a decent amount and you won't feel ripped off in the end.

How can you tell? There are way too many people that claim they have popular "hard to gets". So should we just compare pictures and make the call?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7067373#post7067373 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kmagyar
I guess a frag is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
IMO, best answer yet.

Amazing what Sotheby's can get for crap that is also regularly sold at garage sales. But they've got the marketing, are easy to find. IME, people sell frags in person for much much less than they'll charge some anonymous online person.

The easy to find guy in your club vending tons of frags probably has far higher prices than the quiet reefer who could break a few off for you if asked nicely ... or so my experience has been.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7062168#post7062168 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jackson6745
It's funny how they always lose color from "shipping stress" :D
Don't get me started. The variance you get on how often this happens is shocking ... some folks seem to have it happen to every frag, some to very very few.
Makes you wonder ;)