Pricing, what's fair to ask...

sticky polyps

New member
I have a question on wholesale pricing on coral from me to a LFS. I'm pretty sure it's ok to ask this question because it is pretty general and I am not trying to advertise or sell anything.
My question for some ppl who may supplement there LFS' coral supply is, what do you expect to get normally for it? 50% of retail? 30%?
How do you expect a larger colony will return compared relatively to a frag?
I think if you offer them frags at 50% it would be a good starting point, that's a pretty normal markup for them.
I usually see stores offer 25% of what they would sell it for.
That seems more reasonable to me too. There's usually more than 50% markup on the frags (going directly off cost of frag, not including the cost of keeping it alive, for example).

They might give you more if you're willing to take store credit.
Selling to them would yeild less, credit is usually 50/50 split. But then they charge full retail when you want something from them.
I get 50% of the LFS price usually as store credit. Sometimes I get some cash if I do not need much in the way of supplies. My tank has gotten beyond the point of being self-sustaining, which is nice. My 60 is paying for my 120 upgrade. I will never make a living at it, but is nice to not have the hobby be a money pit anymore.
I get 50% of the LFS price usually as store credit. Sometimes I get some cash if I do not need much in the way of supplies. My tank has gotten beyond the point of being self-sustaining, which is nice. My 60 is paying for my 120 upgrade. I will never make a living at it, but is nice to not have the hobby be a money pit anymore.

Yea I completely re-did my 65 mixed reef to more minimal aquascape acropora, millipora, and montipora. My goal is to keep acros colored up long term and journal my methodology.

I have gotten rid of a lot of coral obviously and had about a years worth of growth on a lot of them, given mos of them away for a little credit but I'm not gonna give away my nicer colonys. Need to get what they are worth at wholesale at least...

It is nice to have credit at the LFS tho for sure... Lol feels like play money :-)
Depends on cash or credit, many stores will give more for credit than cash...50% is probably a good number like other have said. I have often split cash and credit so we both win in the end.
about the same here in Canada , my LFS will give me 50% store credit only (no cash) on frags I bring in.