Pro Bio S


New member
Hey Perry,
I have begun dosing Pro Bio S to try to better seed the bacteria in my system.

Approx. 65 G with 5 liters of matrix in the sump.

I have been adding 2 drops a day into the sump for a week now and feeding like mad.

This morning at 3:30 am I left the Pro Bio S on the table instead of placing it back in the ref. I know you have had an experience with this subject. I found it at 5pm today when I returned home. The house stays at 76 degrees

I hope that the product did not die on me. Do you think this is still good or will I be dosing poison into the tank ?

Let me know what you think.
Thanks and your tank is rocking!
Hey Kevin,
I just had communication on this subject the other day with Debora. It seems that as long as the temperature is below 78 degrees, that it does not require refrigeration. So, I think you will be just fine. The bottle that I had seemed funky smelling compared to the new bottle, so to me it went foul. I think since we have a high humidity rate here, that I just feel better by using in the fridge. Thanks for the kind words Kevin!
Cheers :)
Appreciate the follow up. Have ordered the NP Pro to go with the Pro Bio S. Other then that I am only dosing 1.5ml of Koral Color and 1 drop of Lugols daily.

Right now I am happy with the direction things are going; and me and the tank are at peace with one another.

I will probably start a thread with some pics towards the end of the month. I wanted to get about two months progress for some before and after shots.
Awesome Kevin,
Glad to see things are settling in, being at peace with your tank is always a bonus!
I always kept my first bottle of probio S in the fridge and it still also smelled really bad. My next bottle does not smell the same. I wonder if it was actually a slight change in formula rather than product being "bad"