Problem with 6095


New member
Have a pair of 6095's in my tank. Last weekend I noticed one had stopped running. When I pulled it out of the tank I noticed the impeller unit had pushed itself out against the screen and got locked up. As soon as I removed the screen I heard a small pop and the assembly slipped back in place. All appeared to be well, or so I thought.

This evening I noticed same pump stopped again. This time not pushed out to the screen but evidently out some as I heard the same pop when I removed the screen.

It started to run again right away but now I notice the pump really won't run constantly but seems to cycle on and off in random short 3-4 second bursts on its own. Sometimes it will run for a few minutes at a time then starts doing this again.

Sounds like this needs some sort of repair but looking for some advice as to. Next steps to diagnose and fix.
The most likely cause is that calcium has built up on the metal shaft so the propeller assembly cannot freely move back and forth and spin on the shaft. I would as a first step, disassemble the pump to the propeller assembly, motor with built in shaft and front housing and soak all parts in 50/50 vinegar and water until no lime scale is visible, especially in the area where the propeller assembly spins.
Thanks for the reply.

I should have mentioned that the pump is/was thoroughly clean. Just did a major vinegar based cleaning about 8 weeks ago and when I pulled the pump out to inspect last weekend the shaft, cylinder and magnet all are clean and smooth. If you turn the impeller by hand you feel no resistance at all and it spins freely.

What I have noticed is that you hear an audible buzzing sound from the pump when it spins, then nothing when it stops.

At the moment I have a new unit on the way since I need a second unit running I my tank. I will examine further and potentially run it through a cleaning again but honestly don't think that is the issue.

Hi Bob,

It is up to you, you could wait until you get the new one and compare it against it and try the other power supply, or you can send it in for repair.
Sounds like there are no other ideas of what it might be so I will wait. I will have the new unit tomorrow and will eventually test against the new parts to confirm where the issue is.

I will write back again if I know I need to send it in the get the details of where / how I do that.

Yes, unfortunately if everything is clean and intact, the answer is more complicated, a motor issue or loose connection or faulty power supply and more in depth testing and likely a major part replacement will be needed.

Just include a note with return address and phone number-

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Roger, got new 6095 and it is running fine on both the old and its new power supply so that was not the problem.

Finally had the chance to look at the older 6095. Saw a little buildup deep inside under the blue rubber washer on the center shaft so soaked the whole thing in vinegar for about 4 hours. Its now spotless.

Pump ran fine from Sat afternoon until this evening (Tues.) When I got home noticed the same behavior, runs for while, then stops for while, then runs for a while, etc.

So I will send it in with a note but it appears it will need to run for 3-4 days before you will see the problem (or at least two since I have been at work Mon-Tues so may have missed the stoppage earlier.)

If there is anything else you can think of let me know otherwise I will pack it up this weekend to send it out.


I can't think of anything else, it might be worth trying the propeller assembly from the new pump just incase the prop assembly was the issue, but if that is not it, I lean toward the problem being the motor.
Roger, had my second unit go through the same issue last month. Finally getting off my butt and sending the two problematic units to you.

I have two new units in the tank for now but will be curious to hear the diagnosis.

Is the address info still the same?