Problem with Temperature


New member
I'm new to Profilux, I tried to post the question on the AquariumComputer forum but can't get around the German :(

I'm having a problem with my temperature reading.

I was playing around with the settings in the temperature panel, and used the adjust temperature button to set a temperature difference. Its definitely not correct, but now that adjust temperature button no longer appears, just the calibrate button. So now my temperature is stuck at 104F. Is there anything I can do?

If you have played around with the ADC values and not recorded what the factory settings were, we have a bit of a headache on our hands to get this back for you. :(

The temperature readings of profilux are superior in accuracy and should never really be tampered with.

If you dont have the factory settings then please email me at for support.
It wasn't the calibration that I was messing around with. It was the Adjust Temperature button.

But like I said, I can't get the button to appear again in ProfiluxControl so its reading an incorrect value and I can't change it. How do I get the Adjust Temperature button to show up again.

Some specifics: Windows 7 connecting through USB, ProfiluxControl v, firmware 5.0j
I tried to follow this up with a post on the forums, but I think I must have done something wrong because I don't have permission to create a new thread.

I know when I registered everything was in German and I was lucky to even get the registration done. It wasn't until after that I saw the drop down to choose english. I wonder if that was blocked by no-script.

Anyway, is there any way you can look into why I can't post this there? The user name I used was dmelinosky.

Still having the same issue with the temperature probe. Its stuck at 104 F after I used the adjust temperature button on the temperature probe page. Now any time I go back to the page, I don't see that button anymore, so can't reset it.
please post here link to where you posted and I will follow up, I dont want to create multiple threads about the same tech question otherwise we will be running back and forth between forums :(
I didn't post there because it wont let me, thats what I'm asking you. If you can look into why it won't let me post there. When I push the 'New Topic' button, it says i don't have permission to post there.
please send me by email a user name you wish to use and an email address you have not used on the forum before I will then set you up and account.

In the meantime please email me you support query and i will answer it for you there.