New member
In March 2015 I established a 20 gallon standard marine aquarium. It's dimensions are 24" x 12" x 17". I've been a freshwater keeper for years and I've dabbled in marine in the past but never for long and not too successfully.
I started with about 15-20 lbs of rock, part of which was purchased live from my LFS. The other part was baserock. I did not weigh this rock myself-- going based off of what the LFS told me.
I cycled the tank without living things for 3 months (March - June) and added a little fish food each day to provide nitrogen to jump start the cycle. I tested the water once a week throughout this process with an API test kit. I kept track of the ammonia and nitrites as they started to rise. Eventually nitrate. I've never tested for anything else. My salinity at this point was 1.023 and my temp was 82-84.
I added a shrimp and two fish (percula clown and a royal gramma from my local PetCo, only store that sells s/w fish near me) in July 2015. The shrimp is still alive today and doing well. The two fish got an ich-like infection and died. I knew the parasites would have a cycle, and everywhere online I read that 8 weeks of a fallow tank would break that cycle, since I could not treat with the shrimp in there. So I waited 4 months just to be sure and added another clown and a gramma. The gramma disappeared after about two weeks. Never found a body. A month later I cam in and the clown was dead and floating. Never saw any sign of parasites. So that brings us to around January or so of this past year. I've not added any fish since and been trying to figure out what I might be doing wrong. Through all this the shrimp has been fine, and I have also kept 2 snails and 4 blue leg hermits. In August I decided maybe I should forgo fish and just do a reef instead. I bought a new light (two T5 bulbs, one 10K and the other an actinic). I have these set to 10 hours. I added two frags, also purchased from PetCo- a green star polyp and another pink polyp that was just labelled "soft polyp." Both died.
I would really like to make a reef out of this tank. I added some more dry rock this week and arranged it to make some ledges. I have two HOB filters now for over 400 gph water movement, drawing water from behind the rocks and putting it out over the top of them. I have not been using any filter media in them.
In talking with other people and doing some reading, here are some things I feel I need to improve on. Please let me know if there is anything else to add. I really am trying hard to make this successful and I do read a lot and follow a lot of forums. I've been talking to people on some other sites and have felt like the responses I've gotten have been very condescending and not very clear.
1. Temp too high. Bringing that down (it's down to 79* now) Probably the main cause of coral death.
2. Salinity could go up a bit. Raising that slowly. Goal = 1.026 for corals
3. Check the Phosphates and use a fresh kit of a different brand test kit to check nitrates to see if either are an issue.
4. Work on improving flow pattern w/ addition of a powerhead, or two, to prevent dead spots.
5. Explore the potential use of chemical filtration media and possibly mechanical filtration. (Socks, floss, etc)
6. Do not buy from PetCo. Will explore the local fish store (further away) and some online sources for future stock.
7. Possibly remove or rearrange some rock. Conflicting ideas on this.
Now one question I do have... with the new dry base rock I added, how long will it take for that to become live rock? I have no way to actually "seed it" as I don't know anyone else who keeps a saltwater tank around here. What should my time frame be for adding corals? I was hoping to start with some mushroom corals and perhaps some LPS corals, but I want them to survive and do well.
Here is the tank today.
I started with about 15-20 lbs of rock, part of which was purchased live from my LFS. The other part was baserock. I did not weigh this rock myself-- going based off of what the LFS told me.
I cycled the tank without living things for 3 months (March - June) and added a little fish food each day to provide nitrogen to jump start the cycle. I tested the water once a week throughout this process with an API test kit. I kept track of the ammonia and nitrites as they started to rise. Eventually nitrate. I've never tested for anything else. My salinity at this point was 1.023 and my temp was 82-84.
I added a shrimp and two fish (percula clown and a royal gramma from my local PetCo, only store that sells s/w fish near me) in July 2015. The shrimp is still alive today and doing well. The two fish got an ich-like infection and died. I knew the parasites would have a cycle, and everywhere online I read that 8 weeks of a fallow tank would break that cycle, since I could not treat with the shrimp in there. So I waited 4 months just to be sure and added another clown and a gramma. The gramma disappeared after about two weeks. Never found a body. A month later I cam in and the clown was dead and floating. Never saw any sign of parasites. So that brings us to around January or so of this past year. I've not added any fish since and been trying to figure out what I might be doing wrong. Through all this the shrimp has been fine, and I have also kept 2 snails and 4 blue leg hermits. In August I decided maybe I should forgo fish and just do a reef instead. I bought a new light (two T5 bulbs, one 10K and the other an actinic). I have these set to 10 hours. I added two frags, also purchased from PetCo- a green star polyp and another pink polyp that was just labelled "soft polyp." Both died.
I would really like to make a reef out of this tank. I added some more dry rock this week and arranged it to make some ledges. I have two HOB filters now for over 400 gph water movement, drawing water from behind the rocks and putting it out over the top of them. I have not been using any filter media in them.
In talking with other people and doing some reading, here are some things I feel I need to improve on. Please let me know if there is anything else to add. I really am trying hard to make this successful and I do read a lot and follow a lot of forums. I've been talking to people on some other sites and have felt like the responses I've gotten have been very condescending and not very clear.
1. Temp too high. Bringing that down (it's down to 79* now) Probably the main cause of coral death.
2. Salinity could go up a bit. Raising that slowly. Goal = 1.026 for corals
3. Check the Phosphates and use a fresh kit of a different brand test kit to check nitrates to see if either are an issue.
4. Work on improving flow pattern w/ addition of a powerhead, or two, to prevent dead spots.
5. Explore the potential use of chemical filtration media and possibly mechanical filtration. (Socks, floss, etc)
6. Do not buy from PetCo. Will explore the local fish store (further away) and some online sources for future stock.
7. Possibly remove or rearrange some rock. Conflicting ideas on this.
Now one question I do have... with the new dry base rock I added, how long will it take for that to become live rock? I have no way to actually "seed it" as I don't know anyone else who keeps a saltwater tank around here. What should my time frame be for adding corals? I was hoping to start with some mushroom corals and perhaps some LPS corals, but I want them to survive and do well.
Here is the tank today.