Problems with Full Sim LED's


New member
Hi there, wonder if you can help ..

I have a very strange problem with my GHL Profilux running full sim LED's
They work fine when connected to ports L1 / L2 but will not work when connected to ports L3/L4. I have configured illumination 3 for the Blue Moonlights and Illumination 4 for the Red sunset / sunrise LED's If I map I3/I4 to L1/L2 they work fine - if I map I3/I4 to L3/L4 they dont work ( not even if I try to manually light them using the sliders on the light scenarios. I find this very strange as there is very little congig on the 1/10v ports.

I do have a second L1 - 10V interface card in slot 1 - the LED's work also on these ports but there is no lightning effect ( I believe his is correct as he manual states that lightning is only available on L1/L2 and L3/L4.

Another question, if I may .... are Tunze pumps and Sim LED's the only kit that can use the L2 / L4 ports. I have 2 dimmer ballasts and I would like to run them on ports 1/2. I could use a splitter but I am assuming I would need a special cable for the L2 port - something similar to the Tunze 2 cable, I would asume. Could it be a case of using different conductors on the EVG-AP-2F - GHL-Profilux Dimmable Ballast Driver Blank cable
Delete the mapping of L1 L2 to I3 I4 when you change over to L3L4

How many are you running? if two what splitter?

No you can put any dimming on these ports
Hi there ... thanks for the response ..

I have 1 strip of full sim LED's, 1 dimmable GHL T5's and a pair of Tunze 6055's ( using a GHL Tunze cable kit inc splitter) plugged into the 1-10v ports

The T5's were in ports 1/2, the LED's in 3/4 and the Tunzes in L5, but the LED's would not dim in port L3/4

I have been swapping the LED's and T5's around, the T5's dim in both ports but the LED's will only dim in ports 1/2. When I swap the ports I am in fact deleting the mapping of L1/L3 to I3/I4 -and re-configuring for the T5's if you see what i mean !!