Problems with the multicontroller....


New member
Hey Roger,
I'm having problems again with the multicontroller. I have the old model. I was having weird problems where it wouldn't do any sort of interval mode even though the interval light would go on and it also wouldn't pulse. I sent it to you and you said it checked out alright, but it was still having problems when it came back. I was about to send it back the next day when the problems stopped all of the sudden.

Well, now I'm having problems again with interval mode. Again, the interval light is on, but there is no cycling between channels. I don't know what caused this problem, I just noticed the day before yesterday that the tank looked strangely still, and it was because only one of the pumps was on. I tried turning off and unplugging everything and turning it back on and also removing the light sensor, but nothing seems to fix it. Do you have any suggestions, or should I just send it back again?
First I would try a new cable. You got four cables with the unit, try the two you haven't used to see if the cable doesn't just have a break or short in it.
Hey Roger,
I tried various combinations of the cables that I have and it still didn't work. I think the problem might actually be a with the interval time switch because if I change that switch from 1-7 mins straight to 1-12 hours the pumps will cycle for a a few seconds. I would just keep in pulse mode without any interval, but one of my acros loses flesh when under constant flow from the Stream. Any ideas?

Thanks again for the replies and help.
I had a similar problem .
I have a stream thats about one year old, and another one
thats about 2 months.
with the new one on channel 8 and the old on channel 11,
every thing works fine.
but with the old on channel 8 and the new on 11, nothing.
although the green led is on.It only works with the short intervall times, with the longer intervalltimes it didnÃ"šÃ‚´t switch from one stream to another.
by changing trafos and drives ,i could see, that is has something to do with the little blue box.

and another guy ,who had similar problems with both streams,send it back to tunze and they replaced a part inside
the was not broken but tunze germany seems to know,what the problem is.
I will have to call and ask about this problem. Mr Geisel, when you made the return did it have your name so I can ask the Electrician particularly about your controller and it's problem. I have not seen this before, so I don't know what is wrong.
Thanks for the information, Thomas. I find this problem puzzling too, especially since it went away on its own for such a long time. I definately think it has to do with the controller as well because I've switched everything around on the pumps and it has had no effect.

Should I send it in Roger, or wait for you to find out more about the possible cause?
The guys name who send his controller to tunze was
Alexander Schuh and he had phonecalls to a Mr.Micheli (Tunze
Germany ) and that the part that caused the problem

MKT-Schichtkondensator 10 nF Impulsfest, RM 5, 100V, 10%

Sorry itÃ"šÃ‚´s the german name
This makes sense, it is the 10 nanofarad capacitor, the discharge is what regulates the time countdown. I will talk to Mr Micheli and get the parts and let you know what he says so we can get it repaired.
No, I couldn't get past the secretaries this morning, they were too busy but I should get a call tomorrow. If you want go ahead and send it in, by the time it gets here i will know what to do.
Tunze USA
1304 Monica St
Austin TX 78758

I spoke with Mr Tunze today and he said that Mr Micheli was busy but he would ask him for the details, I checked and their are 4 10nF capacitors on the board so it is a matter of which one since they have to be removed to be tested usually.
Hey Roger,
I sent the multicontroller priority, I think it should get to you tomorrow.

I also wanted to know, how hard would it be to connect a turbelle 2002 to the multicontroller? Are there longer connection cables too?
Their are not any longer cables. You could look at a electronics store but I believe their is a limit where signal loss causes problems. If you are N. Ayuyao, I have it, it arrived Saturday but I have not opened the box yet. Their is an adapter 7094.40 that connects the 2002 or 4002 to the multicontroller.
Did you send it UPS Ground in a small like check box? I got a controller today in such a box but it has no info whatsoever, andwas shipped from a shipping center so I have no return address.
Yep, that's me. Sorry for the confusion, I was at work so I had someone mail it for me and they forgot to put a return address. I sent you a PM.