Active member
i buy stuff at eco reef all the time (probobly close to 1k in the past 3 months!
alwas PERFECT but also always aquacultured
this post is IN NO WAY saying anything bad about ecoreef.
i got a monti from there bali shipmnt (it was a MARICULTURED piece) this was a lil over a week ago... actualy the day they got the shipment in
the coral looked a lil wierd when i got it. ( tips all cut off.) but the rest looked great and the color as awsome ( brown with bright green large polyps)
anyways. today i looked at the tank and half of it is dead. ( havent worked ont eh tnak for 3 days so i dont know when this started.)
i see some red jelly like stuff on the base of the coral (Possiable eggs?) ( 2mm by 1 cm patch appx)
ONLY thing that i changed recently was the location that my kalk drips into the tnak ( moved it form the fuge to the sump. when it was in the fuge it took a longer timeto get into the system.( fuge workson diffusion. no pump goes between my 20 gallon sump and the 55 gallon fuge) but doubt that this caused it because my otehr corals are great.
anyways. i did see somthing really small right at the edge of the coral where the dead meets the still alive. looks like a small white noodle. ( very small) .
is it a MEFW ( monti eating flawwork or nudi) did any one else have any probloms with any of the maricultured pieces from ecoreefs bali shipment (or any of there monties)
im tryign to figure out if it is a paracite or not. if no one else has probloms im hopping tat it is just my crappy luck and there is nothing really on the coral... i really dont want it spreading to any of my other monties ( several tyrees that i paid a pretty penny for. and a really nice red one that i found localy along with some otehrs..)
currently im out of iodine. but i removed the coral and put it in my monti free prop tank and left a smal part in my reef tank ( far alway from the dead parts and i poured the 2 drops of iodine that i had left onto it. and shook it around in a cup... doub tit did anythign tho..
alwas PERFECT but also always aquacultured
this post is IN NO WAY saying anything bad about ecoreef.
i got a monti from there bali shipmnt (it was a MARICULTURED piece) this was a lil over a week ago... actualy the day they got the shipment in
the coral looked a lil wierd when i got it. ( tips all cut off.) but the rest looked great and the color as awsome ( brown with bright green large polyps)
anyways. today i looked at the tank and half of it is dead. ( havent worked ont eh tnak for 3 days so i dont know when this started.)
i see some red jelly like stuff on the base of the coral (Possiable eggs?) ( 2mm by 1 cm patch appx)
ONLY thing that i changed recently was the location that my kalk drips into the tnak ( moved it form the fuge to the sump. when it was in the fuge it took a longer timeto get into the system.( fuge workson diffusion. no pump goes between my 20 gallon sump and the 55 gallon fuge) but doubt that this caused it because my otehr corals are great.
anyways. i did see somthing really small right at the edge of the coral where the dead meets the still alive. looks like a small white noodle. ( very small) .
is it a MEFW ( monti eating flawwork or nudi) did any one else have any probloms with any of the maricultured pieces from ecoreefs bali shipment (or any of there monties)
im tryign to figure out if it is a paracite or not. if no one else has probloms im hopping tat it is just my crappy luck and there is nothing really on the coral... i really dont want it spreading to any of my other monties ( several tyrees that i paid a pretty penny for. and a really nice red one that i found localy along with some otehrs..)
currently im out of iodine. but i removed the coral and put it in my monti free prop tank and left a smal part in my reef tank ( far alway from the dead parts and i poured the 2 drops of iodine that i had left onto it. and shook it around in a cup... doub tit did anythign tho..