probloms with eco reef bali coral


Active member
i buy stuff at eco reef all the time (probobly close to 1k in the past 3 months!
alwas PERFECT but also always aquacultured
this post is IN NO WAY saying anything bad about ecoreef.

i got a monti from there bali shipmnt (it was a MARICULTURED piece) this was a lil over a week ago... actualy the day they got the shipment in

the coral looked a lil wierd when i got it. ( tips all cut off.) but the rest looked great and the color as awsome ( brown with bright green large polyps)
anyways. today i looked at the tank and half of it is dead. ( havent worked ont eh tnak for 3 days so i dont know when this started.)
i see some red jelly like stuff on the base of the coral (Possiable eggs?) ( 2mm by 1 cm patch appx)
ONLY thing that i changed recently was the location that my kalk drips into the tnak ( moved it form the fuge to the sump. when it was in the fuge it took a longer timeto get into the system.( fuge workson diffusion. no pump goes between my 20 gallon sump and the 55 gallon fuge) but doubt that this caused it because my otehr corals are great.

anyways. i did see somthing really small right at the edge of the coral where the dead meets the still alive. looks like a small white noodle. ( very small) .
is it a MEFW ( monti eating flawwork or nudi) did any one else have any probloms with any of the maricultured pieces from ecoreefs bali shipment (or any of there monties)

im tryign to figure out if it is a paracite or not. if no one else has probloms im hopping tat it is just my crappy luck and there is nothing really on the coral... i really dont want it spreading to any of my other monties ( several tyrees that i paid a pretty penny for. and a really nice red one that i found localy along with some otehrs..)
currently im out of iodine. but i removed the coral and put it in my monti free prop tank and left a smal part in my reef tank ( far alway from the dead parts and i poured the 2 drops of iodine that i had left onto it. and shook it around in a cup... doub tit did anythign tho..
If it's a monti eating nudi, you can barely spot the critters with the naked eye, a magnifying glass comes in handy. They're usually found right at the edge of living tissue, eating away. If you're seeing bare white patches with sharp edges that grow daily, it's quite likely that's what you're dealing with. I had them once on a couple of pieces that I ordered.

I would be VERY cautious with that piece you left in the tank, especially if you have some other montis that you value.
i had a monti do this before but it ended up being fine. . i dont want ot send them all to teh frag tank as it is low light and kinda new
( btw when i siad small white noddle thing, i mean SMALL like.1 mm to 2 mm long

any ways. i guess ill move it there for today at least
The Monti eating Nudis are TINY! I am still fighting them, luckily (I hope) I have the affected pieces separated.
I just can't bring myself to toss them just yet. I've read about some medication that is not available in the US, but I am hoping to pick some up when I go to Germany next month.
ATTR.....I am going to tell you what I would do in a case like that with so much at risk......I would put it in Garbage! why risk it!
Me too- agree with Roger- Fortunately montiis are very cheap and IMO there's no reason to risk it.
but no one else had any probloms. so no one can say for sure what this is
( 60 bucks isnt cheep for a frag)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9652058#post9652058 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by A.T.T.R
but no one else had any probloms. so no one can say for sure what this is

Sure we can....get in there with a magnifying glass and compare what you see to pics of monti-eating nudis online. If you have them, you have a probem that could affect every monti in your system.

Here's how it went for me. I received 3 monti frags in a 20-for-$200 order about a year ago. After a week in QT, one monti frag started with a small white spot. It grew every day, so I started looking at it and found the nudis. I removed everything I could find with a magnifying glass and tweezers, then scrubbed all of the bare portions with a brush to remove anything I might have missed. I put it back in the QT away from the other two.

A few days later, the bare patches were growing again, but they had also spread to the other pieces. I lost all 3 pieces, despite my attempts at manual removal. If I ever see it again, the piece is going straight into the trash.

I'm just glad the colonies in my display have never had them (knock on wood).
i dont see anything on them any more.

the few while things were the only things i saw and i threw those out right away.
so i stupidly have nothing to compare it to.

if i didnt kill the redish crap i coulda left that in a bowl of saltwater and see if it ever hatched .. but didnt think that throu either

how big are the egg patches? i cant find any info on these. search is down and the pages i went thru so far are all about AEFW and redbugs.
I never ID'd any egg patches, so I can't help with that part. Haven't read anything about them either.
I had nudis, the egg's are cluster, small and white. I mostly found the eggs on the underside of the monti attached to the rock. On the bottom of the monti the nudi's would gather in a small mass. here's a link, the bottom picture looks like how mine were.

I dippep all the montipora in Lugol's every other day for one month. I'd add about ten to 15 drops of luguls to a cup or so of tank water and dip the corals for 15 minutes. I then used a tooth brush and scrubbed each monti on both sides.
Luckily all I the montipora I have were frags at the time.
I no longer hve the pestilence
well more of the montie died. it looks likes the skin is going away between the polyps. ( polypsare still out on some areas of death . but the ones who had the skin gone for a few days are dieing
altho 2of the frags look fine. with no signs of death
well there not in my display anymore
they are in a ricordia dominated tank.
and i want to save them as they were nice pieces.

also sadly i can not treat any of the other corals if they become infected due to them encrusting the rocks.
im hopping i got this out of there in time!
If you really want to save a piece just cut a piece about 1/4" away from the infected area and trow away the rest, then dip the good piece in some fluke tabs rinse it and re attach to a plug or rock