Product line name changes?


New member
Care to explain the sudden change of product names? I noticed today Coral A, B, E, P are all missing from guides (english guide is now not found) and are not listed for sale at places like saltysupply. I asked at Salty and supposedly the product names have changed. They said the products are the same but I could not find corresponding new products.

Wondering what else changed too.
The marketing people just got to the party and the new packaging is shipping.

Nothings changed in the products.
Somebody wrote on Facebook Aquaforest group that names of supplements is changing:

For information, the Coral product range in Aquaforest to change its name, but the product remains the same
Coral A --------> AF Amino Mix
Coral B --------> AF Build
Coral E --------> AF Energy
Coral V --------> AF Vitality
Coral F --------> AF Phyto Mix
Coral Food -------> AF Power Food
Coral Fix ---------> AFix Glue