Profilux 3 and Vortech wireless integration!!!


Premium Member
We want the Profilux 3 to wirelessly control the Vortech pumps, right! :bounce1:

Ecotech Marine just made this announcement today.....

EcoTech Marine Releases Development Kit for Third Party Aquarium Controllers

EcoTech Marine, the company that revolutionized the reef aquarium propeller pump, has announced the release of a development kit for third-party aquarium controller companies for its award-winning VorTech line. Although no firm release date has been established by manufacturers, stay tuned for announcements as controller companies begin to bring this desired technology to market.

“We are extremely excited about this development,” says Tim Marks, president of EcoTech Marine. “While the VorTech wave driver already provides extensive functionality right out of the box, this enables customers to integrate our market-leading flow technology with their lighting, dosing, pH and other systems. We look forward to enabling VorTech customers to be able to fully customize and control their pump using the aquarium controller of their choice.”

In addition to offering customizable controllability of the VorTech remotely through your controller, EcoTech customers will be able to download firmware updates and be remotely updated as to the operating conditions of the VorTech. The vast benefits of the controller are emerging as companies take interest and start working with the development kit.

EcoTech’s development kit is now available to the industry’s leading controller companies and together we are making the necessary arrangements to bring controller interfaces to production. “We have heard our customers’ request and have worked diligently to bring a solution that will maintain the same level of quality and technological superiority that you have come to expect from us,” said Marks.

The patented VorTech technology produces unmatched broad yet gentle flow while placing the motor outside the tank—preserving the beauty of the aquarium and enhancing the health of the tank’s ecosystem. With all the electrical components outside the aquarium and a variety of easy-to-program modes, the VorTech is the safest, most versatile pump on the market.

I think we can now expect to see this become a reality in the near future... right ADT Ottowa?

Hopefully GHL Profilux will be the first to adapt these capabilities. It would be some nice publicity.

All I can say is all parties involved are in communication, there will be no further announcements for the time being.

If you dont hear anything, there is nothing to say ;)

Ok now my email inbox is really taking the strain! Just when Friday was looking to be only a 14 hour day for me.

I will give you my two penny's worth on this.

I highly doubt GHL will rush into this development, it will be done at a pace that provides reliability, will GHL be the first to launch it? Possibly not, but when they do sure as eggs is eggs it will be without flaw bug or issue.

In regards to the email asking for what functionality - cmon I have no clue this is as much news to me as you guys, all I can say is GHL are leagues ahead in regards to pump control so I do not expect this project to be any different.

FYI - I have not yet spoken to Matthias about this project either. So everything right now is pure conjecture (is that the right word?)

Off now to clear our my email account.
The power of Twitter - once this was announced on twitter we had a record 30 people at one time in this forum today :eek1:

I never thought the reaction would be this big!
Guess I should of expected it, the explosion happened after updating our twitter page!

Its gone quite for now, but I am sure this will end up being a top hit thread.

Remember also i have had no official response from GHL HQ yet either. Mainly due to the fact this hit the press in the middle of their evening in Germany.

all I can say is:
we (GHL) are in touch with Vortech and we are interested in connecting ProfiLux and Vortech

let's wait for the docs and specs, then I can tell you if it is possible in near future
The Vortech crew at the Macna booth hinted at this but, as a courtesy to all involved, i bit my lip until their announcement . I believe Ecotech will see the loyalty that Profilux owners possess and be wondering why they waited so long for this next logical step in their products growth. The same goes to GHL. The marriage of these two great products will benefit all involved. Bravo !!!
Taking my distributor hat of for one minute, here is my totally uneducated view on this.

I personally believe GHL "maybe" one of the only controllers on the market right now that is even close to having the technology to implement this. I base this thought not on any secret knowledge but the fact GHL already has a dedicated wireless card the PLM-WLAN, now whether this can be intergrated for use with Vortech I have no clue what so ever, and the secret to all this will lie in the development pack Ecotech has mailed out.

I could be 100% wrong and another controller could already have something up and running, but I am basing my view on what I see available right now with all the makes and GHL does seem on the face of it to have the edge.
From Reef Builders
"Neptune Systems has announced that they are well underway in using the newly released development kit for third party aquarium controllers to get jiggy with wireless VorTech pumps. Curt Pansegrau, president of Neptune Systems had this to say:

The feature rich interface module allows for the market leading VorTech pumps to be used to their fullest potential. With development underway and prototypes already running in the lab, we are pleased to be the first controller company to utilize this versatile wireless interface technology. The AquaBus based VorTech interface module will allow for the independent control of multiple pumps. In addition, firmware updates of both the interface and the VorTech pumps as wells as reporting of pump status and diagnostic information is possible. Like all Apex accessories the VorTech Interface Module is also plug-n-play, so setup and configuration is extremely easy. Internal development has already begun with working prototypes running in the lab. Beta testing will begin shortly with full production scheduled in Q1 2010."

I read the official GHL statement, but I hope the wait will not be too long.
From Reef Builders
"Neptune Systems has announced that they are well underway in using the newly released development kit for third party aquarium controllers to get jiggy with wireless VorTech pumps. Curt Pansegrau, president of Neptune Systems had this to say:

The feature rich interface module allows for the market leading VorTech pumps to be used to their fullest potential. With development underway and prototypes already running in the lab, we are pleased to be the first controller company to utilize this versatile wireless interface technology. The AquaBus based VorTech interface module will allow for the independent control of multiple pumps. In addition, firmware updates of both the interface and the VorTech pumps as wells as reporting of pump status and diagnostic information is possible. Like all Apex accessories the VorTech Interface Module is also plug-n-play, so setup and configuration is extremely easy. Internal development has already begun with working prototypes running in the lab. Beta testing will begin shortly with full production scheduled in Q1 2010."

I read the official GHL statement, but I hope the wait will not be too long.

I love my Profilux and all the upgrades from GHL and I am hoping that they bring out an interface for the Vortechs, but you got to love a company that has the cohones to come right out and say we are bringing a product out to market.
The statement is on here.

Lets all take a breathe here.

Couple of things, for the other controller manufacturer to already have something up and running either means all controller companies have had the info longer than I have been told OR one has been privvy to the info longer than others, who knows, is any of that important? No not really.

As I said in the first post I wrote about this, GHL will "probably" launch their "highly reliable" connection to Vortech, but with all things ProfiLux it will not be rushed, it will be right first time without flaw or bug, yes you may have to sit and wait a bit longer while others rush to get their modules out first, but rest assured when GHL do launch theirs..... well I have said enough just look what GHL did with Tunze control, that speaks volumes does'nt it ;)

If you want me stab at a release date - Q3 of 2010, and thats a complete guess.
I would have preferred your guess being Q1 2010. One thing from the Neptune press release is the Vortech control will be on a bus. GHL comes out with a bus in less then 15 days, does not sound long to me, I hope.
GHL also comes out with a very powerful bus that is NOT run over a USB connection.

Is everyone forgetting that GHL are working on getting probably the most powerful aquatic controller ready for luanch in less than 4 weeks? Lets get one thing launched first then we can start looking at the next project :) And as i said above, GHL do not rush anything, but they get it right when they do launch things the first time.

I also would not be surprised if you start seeing some game play going on over this whole Vortech launch thing, manufacturers are well aware of the hype around getting an attachment to Vortech, heck its a great marketing tool. GHL dont do hype, look at the P3 launch very under stated and softly launched, so dont expect much to be said anytime soon from GHL any time soon over this, that does not mean they are not doing anythign though ;)

But hey this is all speculation guys, Matthias is being very tight lipped with me about anything Ecotech, I am in the dark as much as you.
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I am just happy that EcoTech released this to all controller manufacturers and not just one select company. I was worried that they would partner with one company and then I would need to decide how much I really wanted that feature and possibly abandon my beloved GHL. So far I have been completely happy with the quality of GHL products and will wait for them to release it.
I think the person that sums this whole thing up well in regards to GHL is Ryan at Reefbuilders, read his thread I think he has it spot on in regards to GHL and Vortech.
I am really looking forward to this! This will be one of the main deciding factors for me getting the controller, not that anyone else could have done this before ecotech decided to start working with controller manufacturers.
It sure has caught a lot of attention :) We have had numerous emails asking when it will happen.

Although I can not answer the when question, the good news is that GHL have a huge reputation for controllable pump intergration already surpassing themselves with both Tunze and Hydor Koralia, so this will be another notch to the old bed frame no doubt, and a a big success for both parties, especially as GHL is the only manufacturer that shares a global market with Ecotech not just the USA ;)