Profilux and Vortech?


Premium Member
Any one know if the Profilx can control the Vortech pumps?

I've heard you still need their controller, but that you can connect that controller to the Profilx and control it from there (Profilux).
why not you contact them? i mean i would pay for that call and i believe other may help with that too.

it takes two to tango.
I talked w/ Echo Marine and they said, not any time soon, why should they...

What I dont undertand is - why cant GHL folks purchase a smaller Vortech unit, put it on an o-scope and decypher the outputs used to control the vortech motors... Then program the Profilux software/interface accordingly.
I wonder if this has more to do with egos of company owners rather than common sense. I would like to see pros and cons from both sides and I dare to say that benefits outweight cons.
rniedzia- As said many times before, we have contacted echo tech on many occassions they have also in the past been in substantial contact with GHL.

At this time Echotec are not moving forward with the project, so we can do no more.

Maybe take it up with them, not us, we have everything ready and wait for return communication.

This has Zero to do with egos and I am quite sure Ecotech have their reasons for not wanting to move forward with "any" controller company. But when they do we are waiting.
Until then you can use both Hydror koralia and Tunze pumps, both companies have seen great business from this connection to the ProfiLux.

We will continue to push both these manufacturers as key controllable pumps. I also think these two companies in regards to price offer something for everyone.

It is up to Vortech to decide if they wish to benefit in the same way.
Eco-tech is well aware of the demand for GHL control, there was even a poll. I am not sure why they stopped working w/ GHL unless they are working on their own or the market is too small, who knows but them and they are not saying.