Profilux conection to a .....


New member
IS it possible to access my profilux with a blackberry ? If not. is there gonna be a way to do this in the near future ?
Not 100% sure on blackberrys but I use Windows Mobile 6.2 and can remote login via VPN to my desktop and access profilux control. Moving to an Android based phone next I'm not sure what challenges I'll face. But it's more of a "I'm a better nerd than you are" with my reef buddies. I don't actually use it, I just show it off that I can.
The whole thing for me is that my husband does all the fixin of problems lol. he works nights alot and we also have all of our family either in boston or delaware sowere away alot. So to be able to check out the controller on our blackberry's would be huge
With the release of the SMS unit you will have control via any cell phone, alarms and monitoring, it was also mentioned an amount of control although i do not know the level of control available as yet.

This will be sms based not web based, for web based i think we could be a while away from that.

I hope to have these in on the next shipment.