Profilux Dosing Unit for ATO?


New member
Would it be feasible to use 1 of the pumps for ATO?

Have an ELOS MIDI and the sump has a reservoir for ATO water which I will utilize. Just wondering if this would work before I invest in a metering pump or or other utility pump for this purpose.

I do this with my 4 pump dosers.
I have a System 70 but I have a dedicated RO reservior(20gallon). Works great!
Thanks Nick! Much appreciated.

I was wondering if anyone was going to chime in besides the "use our new forum" where I have been waiting 5 days to get approval to ask a simple question. :headwally:

I approve ALL users and your name has not come up at all I just did an IP check also. NOBODY has been waiting 5 days for approval, I approved 3 new users tonight the max wait time was 11 minutes.

I do not think you are referring to If you are please post your username here and I will do a screen shot of the approval screen.

Please join the above mentioned forum and you will get approved the next time I am online tonight or first thing tomorrow.