Profilux Iphone app (marine mad) Help

li mike

New member
Hi Guys, I purchased the profilux 3 some time ago and also purchased the marine mad iphone app. I was having some trouble getting my marine mad app to let me set up an account. I decided to let it go and not worry about it. Now a couple of friends are flashing there apex controllers and iphone apps at me saying this was the way to go. I love my profilux and would love to get this going. Is there any support for this app. I see that there is no app or info on the app store and no contact info on Thank you very much for your help :-)
GHL are working on an excellent in house APP which will be released shortly, there is no reason to drop the worlds most loved and reliable controller for the sake of an APP, I am sure and hope there is more to your ProfiLux for you than an APP? ;)
Oh and I will be down in Florida in February doing a large dealer visit for 10 days, I will see if I can find a central place to do a meet and greet.
GHL are working on an excellent in house APP which will be released shortly, there is no reason to drop the worlds most loved and reliable controller for the sake of an APP, I am sure and hope there is more to your ProfiLux for you than an APP? ;)

Thank you for your fast response. Not to worry about me dropping my profilux, it will never happen. I just cant wait to get my profilux mobil with me. I had a set of custom led's made up and is controlled by my profilux.
Thank you again :)
You know there's a webserver on the P3 that allows for remote access right? It's all I need for my mobile device.
Apps are just that with a different GUI
Hi, No I didnt know that? Am i able to access it with an Iphone? I use an apple macbook pro and couldn't connect to my P3 because it needed windows. I tried using programs to let me use windows on the mac but couldn't get it to work. I just picked up a dedicated laptop for my profilux. I figured it would be safer on its own PC with out my wife a daughters playing it.
You have to set up the profilux to be connected to a network. When you have everything set up, you can enter the IP address on any browser and it will work.
I'm an Iphone user(forced by my workplace) and it works nicely with Safari. Any browser will work though. Firefox, Explorer, etc. If you have a smart phone or of course a computer, you can access this page.
If you have questions on how to get your P3 online, ask the guys at forums or call Gereth at
I'm not very good at networking and I can only follow direction on my particular router so I can't give you a specific set of instructions. But basically, you need to get your P3 hooked up to the router either with hardwire Ethernet or using a wireless bridge. Assign an IP address on the controller and foward the webserver port. Find out what's your IP address is and that's the address you use for your remote access.
Read my review on the sticky to see the use of remote access on a Profilux.
Thank you very much Nick, I really appreciate all the help on this. I will be sure to read your review on it. I have my profilux hooked up via hardwire ethernet to my router now, so I can access the profilux wirelessly with the PC. I guess I am half way there :)
Thank you again for everything
If you already have that done, I assume you have some networking knowledge. Now what you have to do is assign a fixed IP address to the controller and go to port forwarding in your router and route port 80 to this address.
Get a static IP address for your network and this will be the address to get into the controller remotely. Make sure it's password protected. You set the password in the profilux control software.
If you have a connection between a Mac or PC to a Profilux (II or III), you can use the iphone app RDM and access that PC to view and control the Profi.
Any browser will work though. Firefox, Explorer, etc.

Did they fix it? On the previous firmware the profilux failed to work consistently on the MAC with Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. If they fixed it that's great!

It works on my Ipad but the Iphone app is better.
Did they fix it? On the previous firmware the profilux failed to work consistently on the MAC with Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. If they fixed it that's great!

It works on my Ipad but the Iphone app is better.

I'm not sure about Firefox on a Mac as I don't own a Mac. The Safari on my Iphone and my Windows Firefox work well on the webserver.
FYI as of tonight, MarineMad app is NOT working PERIOD. I guess he finally took the servers OFF line.
Hopefully soon GHL will come up with an option
Cant wait
The Marine Mad APP is no longer supported, GHL ARE swiftly working on a far more comprehensive product in house product, we all know everything GHL is the bees nuts but to make bees nuts does take a bit of time, its coming though guys ;)

In the meantime the webserver application can work on any device so you are not without service ;)
I know....I am EAGERLY waiting...In the meantime, can I supply more "bees for your nuts" so we can get it done quicker..LOL
If you have a connection between a Mac or PC to a Profilux (II or III), you can use the iphone app RDM and access that PC to view and control the Profi.

Thank you very much guys for all your help.
Cantgrowdidly, I tried the RDM app and it was great!! I will use this until GHL puts out theirs, Thank you very much :)