Profilux mounting


I was wondering how people are mounting their profilux under their tanks? Are most people putting the unit on a shelf or is there another way of mounting? Any pictures would be helpful. Just looking for ideas.
This fine piece of equipment is just to Sweet to hide away under your stand. I will just sit it on top of my canopy.
I don't have mine yet, but I will not be using a canopy on my new tank, so I can not put it on top of the canopy.
Ya I'm not sure where I will be mounting mine yet either, I like the View, but I miss the feeding pause...

I will see how I can isolate and how far I can imbed my unit in my top canopy as I don’t have anything around my tank to set it on…

I hope there is not too much head/humidity

how is the heat/humidity?? What king of lights do you have anve and is it completely enclose on the top?
I thought about mounting mine under the tank having the face plate coming through the front. But I'm worried about the humidity too. Mine is just sitting beside the tank with my dedicated laptop. ")
It doesn't take alot of saltwater to do a number on sensitive electronics.

A stray snowflake eel and a plugged overflow is all it takes and BAM! you could be buying another controller.