Profilux plus II eX. Tank tear down


Premium Member
I would like to know if I may post a Profilux Plus II eX controller FS here???

I understand its not the FS forum, just the people who know and love them most (like me) I've torn down my 300G Reef and time to part.

Thanks for your understanding I will look for your reply before giving details out.

Phxkeller (proud profilux owner)
Thanks will do as well.. Your support over the past year or two have been awsome and greatly appreciated many times over!! How could anyone pick another controller??

I purchased new from a LFS here in phoneix over a year ago (might have receipt for date) it was $2200 new with lots of bells and whistles: working great just took down tank yesterday and probes were regularly maintained/calibrated.

Profilux plus II eX controller
LAN port
Temp probe
PH 1 probe
PH 2 probe
Conductivity/Salinity probe
Water Leveler
2 power bars
updated to latest firmware that I have seen

(think thats all)

Have all boxes in perfect condition for unit and probes. All measuring solutions as well..

I am list the entire setup not to seperate probes or controller (EMail:

Let me know if your interested can discuss price in e-mail (dont ask if under 1K)

Sorry for the bump of a old thread but i was searching for one on google and came a cross this thread... but $2200 new?
I have not been on here much.. What I paid was not what I was asking.. I actually forgot to put the price (or repectfully left it off on this forum).. Its loaded with all the probes when you compair the list of whats already included.

Any how My price was $1100... half of what I paid.

Tank is now down and profilux in the box for shipping... Baby on the way so every bit helps...
This is a GREAT deal! If I didn't already have one I'd seriously consider getting this one!!

Good luck and CONGRATS!! :)
THANKS :) excited, nervouse, worried... all the great stuff for the new year. I do get lots of advise from people already ....