Profilux Simu problem


New member
I have been having a problem with my profilux simu spot over the past week ever since we had a brief power outage. The simu is fully functioning except for the fact that it's the wrong color. Instead of being the normal blue/white it is continuously shining red. I have tried reprogramming using my attached computer but this hasn't fixed the problem. I know the blue and white LEDs are working because I manually ran the storm program and they worked perfectly. Any suggestions would be helpful. Lastly, I have a profilux plus 2 with firmware version 4.0.
Thank you
sound s like you have had a spike and it has corrupted the memeory chip and the simu has lost its programming

Go to 1-10V programming in PLC and click on program LED you can re program what colour is on what channel

Other than that just re assign the ports, what was programmed on blue now program on red and visa versa.

I would also update your firmware to the latest, you are very much missing out on some key functions being that far back on firmware version