Profliux Temp Probe


New member
Hi....I have been using the Profilux for about 1 month in a limited fashion. I only have 2 Tunze pumps working on it. I am going to get more serious since I have put together my 4 dimmable ballest and are currently burning in the T5's. I wanted to check the temp probe before hooking up the heaters to the profilux. I borrowed 2 traceable temp probes from work, these are calibrated lab probes. What I found is as follows;

Trace probe #1 = 83.9
Trace probe #2 = 84.2
Profilux = 81.4
Cheap Digital Temp = 80.2
Won Bros. Digital Controller Heater = 84.1

Soooooo what gives.....Profilux is (rounding off) 3 degrees off. That seems alot for a calibrated probe.

Now here is where it gets strange. Removing the probes from the water and using air temp the temps are as follows;

Trace probe #1 = 71.7
Trace probe #2 =72.5
Profilux =69.8
Cheap Digital Temp = 69.4
Won Bros. Digital Controller Heater = (not used since it is controlling the tank)

Now they are all about 1 - 1.5 degree off.

The traceable temp probes are + or - 1 degree nominal deviation.

I can post the certificate data on the traceable probes if anyone wants to know. I'm posting this as infomation only for what its worth. Its been some time that I have been into the profilux interface software and I think I can set an offset, if I remember correctly, so no big deal. I'm still setting up this tank.
Just a test is you put it water at different temperature how off is the Profilux temp reading? If it's always following the same reading we could ask Mathias to add a field that would enable us to adjust the reading by applying the value to the current reading... I tough this was in all ready but I can’t find it right now.
if you take 10 temp. probes you will get 10 different readings

The only thing I can say: We calibrate the electronics in the ProfiLux and use a probe with a PT 1000 element (class A!).
This results in a maximum deviation of 0.25°C around 25°C.

In my opinion the users have usually no option to make a precise measurement - that is the reason for us not to offer a setting to change the calibration.

But: If you want to change the readings then you can do this:
- save the sensor data
- edit the calibration points in the file (the*.par can be opened with an text editor) - you will find the calibration data at 20°C and 30°C (values 200 and 300) - save the changed file
- load this file back to ProfiLux

please understand we can't give more support for this "workaround" - it's you risk

Important: the original calibration data will be kept in the ProfiLux