Proflix II updating


New member

Getting back into the hobby so I'm trying to save some bucks and i'm trying to update my Proflix II from v4.0.6 to v4.0.8. I did try the v4.0.8.1 from the GHL site but couldn't find the hmx file. From there I should be able to get in the v5's loaded. Finally found someone who had the v4.0.8 hmx file. When I tried to load it I get a "Error while transmitting firmware"

Any help would be appreciated then I can use the GHL firmware site.

All firmware for GHL are in the latest version of GCC. There are no separate files. Which GCC have you downloaded.
The one problem is the USB driver. Always check what port that windows has assigned a different com port. Than what you have assigned in the GCC.