Programmable logic HELP


New member
I asked this question on GHL forum, got some answers but I just CANT get it!!!
This is what I am trying to achieve.
I have a P3 latest update, a 4 way profilux doser connected to S1-S4, and only using pump 1 and pump 2. Currently pump 1 is set up for Ca dosing, and pump 2 is for ALK.
I have Timer 1 manually dosing 29 ml total divided into 7 dosing times throughout the day. Timer 2 does the same. Timer 1 is assigned to Socket 1. Timer 2 is assigned to Socket 2.
So far I got this to work the way i want to.
But my question is:
I would like to set up a logic in which pump 2--ALK-- turns off IF PH is over 8.5
I set up a logic in which Input 1 is Timer 2, Input 2 is pH increase , AND. Then I assigned Logic 1 to socket 2...

But it did NOT work... or at least when pump was sup to be turn on at 7 pm to dose 7 ml of did NOT do it!!! 7 pm passed and pump DID NOT deliver 7 ml as I thought it was going to. I know I am missing something but WHAT!!!!!!?????

Thanks for ANY info.
I have been watching this on the other site can you tell
what the fix was trying to understand how the programming
Don Jr.
Well...Set up nominal value at 8.4, hysteresis at .1...enable ph alarm and deactivate control...then go to timer 1 set up timer 1 for alk dosing two part either maually---enter times and amount--or automatically---enter amount...then got to logic...logic 1 input 1...timer 1...input INCREASE..FUNCTION AND....then got to socket that is assigned to doser alk and assign socket to logic just created...BINGO..
Only thing you guys might have to play with hysteresis to get to your desires shut off...with that hysteresis logic will shut off when ph is higher than 8.45