Project External Glass Overflow

minfinger said:
Hey that one is cool! was really easy. I'm awful at DIY projects, but after two months of following this thread I got the guts to try it out on a tank I found at a garage sale...piece of cake. I'm looking forward to drilling more tanks!
taggin along, this is a great idea but how do you get the glass to stay in place with water in it. Do you have to use glue or just silicone. looks like it is ready to fall apart
I figured I would post this. I did a wier on my 120 and it took me close to 2 hours to do this 9" section. Man, my arm was killing me after that.

Anyway, it's 2" high and the hole for the bulkhead is 2.5"
I matched the overflow glass with the tank (3/8"). I dont think that will give way any time soon :D

this thread had inspired me to do so much more than I had ever thought of way to go Tunjee that tank will be an inspiration to others for a long time to come
Dazz,, can you take another pic of that standing back a little . I cant tell where in the 120 that is notched out... Nice hardwoods BTW,,,lol
Holokai said:

Too bad all my tools are in Ohio while I'm stuck here in the Islands...

- Chris

if you never post that you're stuck in the islands again, it will be too soon! ;) who needs tools when you can just snorkel outside your backyard? :eek2:
yes...I tell you what, I've got the deal of a lifetime for can have all my tools, and I'll take your spot on the island! hey, I may even be willing to throw in the wifey too! oops...she just saw that........well I have to go now.......=P
Haha! No, you're right, I'd take the ocean over a tank any day... but Seeing such a beautiful idea, and not being able to do ANYTHING about it is kicking my butt!! I've gotten so many ideas over the last few days, and all I can think about now is setting up a new tank...

But hey, if you do want to come visit me tickets are <450 bucks right now from almost everywhere!!

- Chris
Thanks nuc Hope to have a new avitar picture in a few weeks just took all of the rock out of the 300 gal and brushed it off !1 so the tank now has 1200 lbs of live rock with 5 piesces weighing in at over 80 lbs so that is hard to lift out of there alone !

but i am not that great at the pictures yet !
Oh ive been through that before,, we had some pieces of " Show Fiji" at the store I used to manage that I had to help put in our 265 gallon Tank,, 3 pieces I remember weighed about 120 each,,, they were HUGE !
Reefs, was your avitar 'shopped, or is that cat really wearing a lime? Musta been a huge lime and a tiny kitten....