Prolifera => Dead Banggai Cardinals :(


New member
I read awhile ago that prolifera has a toxic alkaloid known to cause hallucinations in humans. If I was trimming the prolifera could this alkaloid have gotten into the water and killed 3 cardinals? :( That is one of the possible causes.

The other is that a green film developed at the top of the tank after I put a little bit of DT's in. I thought that may have impeded oxygen diffusion into the water. This may be the other reason they died.

The setup is a 20 long with 130W PC 50/50 and a whisper filter that flows ~200 gph, 30 lbs LR, button polyps, pistol shrimp and 3 . . . sniff . . . dead banggai cardinals. Thanks for any help.

oh yeah . . . the banggai cardinals were full grown so I know the pistol shrimp didn't get them . . . well at least not until after they died :p
It is possible, but I would think that it would have had too be an awefull lot of caulerpa that you trimed back to do that. Considering the film on top, I would look more at a drop in O2 levels and/or a spike in ammonia or other levels.
Yeah I had a feeling it was that. I'm gonna rig up a surface skimmer and make a refugium with a bubbler in it. No more dead fish!!!!!!!!!

Also I think that oxygen in the water is a very important topic very seldom addressed by the reefing community. I guess it gets overlooked because so many people use Protein Skimmers.

I don;t use protein skimmers and I have perfect water quality. But again my setup is the exception to the rule, bioload wise.