Propagating shrooms


New member
I'm going to start a prop tank for my blue shrooms they are growing like wildfire in my 135. My question is... What is the healing time and growth rate when you cut em into slices?
Here is the mother colony
Nice shrooms, what do you plan to do with them? Sell them to the LFS for store credit?

I'm not an expert, but I'd say the healing time depends on way too many factors (particularly the abilities of the shroom itself since they all seem to have a "personality" of their own) to give you any kind of accurate answer. But I'd say they'd heal in about 3 weeks and grow as quick as the babies sprouting up assuming you give them the same kind of living conditions. Just my guess.
Credit, trading, and selling are things I want to do but mostly trading, I think. Heres a pic of the prop tank
i just started propagating mine and i only cut them in half. it took about 2 weeks for them to form circle again and a another week for them to attached to the rock. its been about a month since they attached to the rock and they are almost the same size as they were before i split them.
Thanks sharkobeach, a month sounds pretty good.

Anybody else have about the same timeframe...maybe more or less?
Mine take only a few days to attach to rubble, then up to about 2-3 weeks before they are a full circle (from a half slice and a smaller shroom). With the substrate your using, why not use Rubble or Shell. I place all cut shrooms in a tub (in tank) filled with crushed coral. The shrooms attach to the smaller crushed shell, and I then glue the smaler shell onto a piece of LR. This saves the Shroom moving from its glue.
I see a pump for water movement but what are you using for filtration? Also a tank that size is going to need the water topped off quite frequently (maybe daily) to stop wide swings in salinity and other parameters because of evaporation . How about a sump with at least a skimmer and some live rock?
I have a millenium filter runninng chemipure carbon and i'm going to put some live rock in it. I'm going to purchase an aquac remora urchin in about a month. I should get by skimmerless for a month.

I would love to do a sump but just kind of scared about hang-on overflow sytsems. I've been looking at some threads here on rc about drilling glass, bulk heads, acrylic overflows with the teeth durso pipes... and some time down the road i do want to do a tank like that.

But for now I think this setup should do fine. I'll keep you guys posted, thanks for the interest!
very nice shrooms...what size do the shrooms need to be before you split them, penny, dime, quarter, or half dollar?
i also like your setup w/ the wave maker...i have a diy closed loop and i am looking at a way to vary the currents.