Propeller Pumps Qs?

I ordered The Koralia and have nothing but good stuff to say. The are actually very sturdy. I will be ordering 2 more in about 2 weeks
vor-tech definatly thats what i was looking for, but if they get such a bad rap whats the best option for moving water around properly in a 75gl size tank its the wide type not long or tall....
I was thinking something in the range of 600-900gph would be good enough but not cuase a sandstorm, what do yall think?
Wow, if you were going to spend $350 for a VorTek I'd just wait untill the Nanostream 6055 comes out.
You'll be able to adjust the flowrate to whatever you want, it's pretty compact, rotates any direction, and save over $100 per powerhead to boot!