

New member
Hi all,

Can somebody help me with the following. I have a PropellerControl connected to my Profilux which controls fan speeds depending on the current temperature.
This all works very fine but I have a small issue.

I would like to have that the fans are always on, but at the lowest speed and run at higher speeds when cooling is needed.

Has anybody managed to do this? I want to do this to prevent condensation in the hood so that there is also airflow even at night.


I don't think it can be done. L port do not have programmable logic...... and even if they it did have it, they would be no way to create a variable output with the programmable logic. Programmable logic can only result, in etiher "YES" or "NO", "True" or "False" or "0" or "1"

Matthias correct me if I am wrong.....
Min voltage?

Min voltage?

Couldn't you set the min voltage for the L1 port to something higher than 0? If so would that keep the fan on?
I bet you could, but if your fan is always on its going to result in higher heating costs as it will overcool at the times your tank needs heating.

I tried altering the Min voltage, but it doesn't make any difference. Probably because the PropellerControl is not instructed to swithc on.

I don't think the tank will overcool if fans are running at 3V or so, it's just to have some airflow in the hood.
Will this be made possible in a future firmware?

I was told over a year ago it would, but it still isn't.