Proper light acclimation


Premium Member
Hey everyone, within the next few days I will be moving my Coral and fish out of the 10g holding tank into my 92 corner. On my old tank I had a Current Nova Extreme 4x39w t5 setup, it only has one reflector. This is also what I am using over the 10g holding tank.

Now that I am using more powerful lights, a 250w MH in a lumenarc mini stealth, 2x24 and 1x39 t5's (all in SLR reflectors) I have been told that I should acclimate the corals to the new light.

Since my hood is fixed, I cannot move my lights up and down would time adjustments be sufficient?

Would it be ok to leave my t5's on for say 6 hours a day, then start off the MH with 1/2 hour, and increase by 1/2 per day until they are up to 5 hours, then adjust my photo period up slowly to 8-10 hours a day?

Is this too aggressive or too slow?

Basically any tips will help, thanks in advance.
What bulbs are going in the T5s. If it's actinic, then you shouldn't have to worry about burning them with that. I would run the halide for like 2 hours. Also what about laying eggcrate on top of the tank to diffuse the light for a few days and running full cycle? Then you flip it over to the not diffuse light side for a day or two, then on to full lighting with no eggcrate? Good luck, I'll keep following. Then we gotta get some FTS :)
Your 92 is alot deeper than your 10 gal. I see no problem putting your corals under your new lighting if you gradually increase your photo period. Starting with 4 hours a day should be fine and increase every 4 days or so. I would also keep your corals if possible away from the top of the tank until they acclimate. This will also depend on the type of corals you are keeping.
The 2x24's are actinic, the 1x39 is a blue plus, but the 39w is in front and the closest coral will be at the bottom of the tank. I do have eggcrate that I can use, it should fit on most of the tank. BTW, what is FTS? :)

I agree that its definitely deeper than the 10. I would prefer to secure my corals in place, but if its better to put everything on the bottom and move up over a period of time, I am fine with that as well. BTW, I do not have a whole lot a few SPS, a few LPS, a few softies...

Maybe I will do a mixture of both, I will go ahead and put eggcrate on, put at bottom of the tank, move up after a few days, a few days later remove eggcrate, then finally start increasing the lighting...Does this sound good, or is it overkill?
I think you will do just fine with a 4 hr photo period to start with your corals in place. I dont think the eggcrate is needed. Just watch your corals and they should do fine.
Most people (myself included) usually just throw their corals under their lights without any acclimation, so as long as you're making some effort, I'm sure you'll be safe. To be super safe you can try the eggcrate, but steve's right, with the increased depth, the corals won't get too much light and become unhealthy.

a FTS means full tank shot.

You definitely won't burn your corals with the actinics or blueplus. I was only worried if either were a 10k or 6500 because with that you could injure a coral too close and not used to the light.
Thanks guys, I think I will go ahead and put them in their place, and do a reduced photoperiod. No reason to drive my self crazy it seems like.